"But doing so seems to be out of order. After all, He Weiguang is at least superficially a law-abiding citizen, and he is also a cadre at the deputy director level." Liu Zilan frowned, reminding with obvious worry in her tone.

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll just say hello to the chief executive." Zhuo Yifan explained disapprovingly.

Just when Liu Zilan was about to speak again, there was movement from the door inside.Immediately afterwards, Liu's mother and Liu's father came out of the room.

"Xiaofan, Zilan, you all got up so early?" Mother Liu asked in surprise when she saw Zhuo Yifan and Liu Zilan sitting in the living room.

At this time, Liu Zilan was even more surprised to find that the information in Zhuo Yifan's hands had disappeared at some point.Where did he hide that document?Is it in the clothes?

"We'll be working soon, so we won't be able to sleep this lazy sleep!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"So busy? It seems that you have another big case to investigate. I heard Zilan say that you are going to investigate the case together. She is a girl after all, Xiao Zhuo, take better care of her!" Mother Liu urged earnestly.

"Don't worry about this aunt. Even if something happens to me, I won't let Zilan suffer any harm!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and assured.

"Okay! With your words, I'm relieved. I'll make breakfast right away. You can eat something before you go to work, but you must not be hungry!" Mother Liu agreed with a smile, and then went into the kitchen up.

"My mother is also worrying nonsense. I have been a policeman for so long, and she still doesn't trust me!" Liu Zilan sighed helplessly at this moment.

"Your mother cares about you. Don't be born in a blessing and don't know your blessing. My team has some things to deal with, so I won't eat breakfast at home. You can eat breakfast later before leaving!" Liu My father said with a smile, he had already changed his shoes in front of the door, opened the door and left the house.

"Uncle's work seems to be quite hard. I have to go to work so early!" Zhuo Yifan nodded thoughtfully.

"Although he doesn't work on the front line, he still has a lot of things to deal with every day. Sometimes he has to work overtime. My mother and I are used to it too!" Liu Zilan explained disapprovingly.

Half an hour later, after Zhuo Yifan and Liu Zilan finished enjoying the breakfast made by Liu's mother, they said goodbye to Liu's mother and left Liu's house directly.

Sitting in the car, Liu Zilan asked Zhuo Yifan who was in the co-pilot, "Are you going directly to the airport now?"

"Of course. Go to the airport first, and then go to He Weiguang." Zhuo Yifan nodded and ordered.

Liu Zilan then started the car and drove directly towards the airport express.

An hour later, the Porsche pulled up in the airport's parking lot one.The two got off the car and walked directly towards the Airport Authority building.

"Do you want to go directly to the person in charge of the airport?" Liu Zilan asked aloud at this time.

"Of course. We don't know the specific information of the shipment yet, so we have to check one by one. This involves many air cargo companies. We have to ask one by one, and we may not be able to get a result when it gets dark. The other party may not cooperate yet. Go directly to the person in charge of the airport and ask him to investigate. I believe the efficiency will be much faster than ours." Zhuo Yifan explained solemnly.

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