super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5690 Fish on 3

This handsome man and beautiful woman will always be the focus of everyone's attention no matter where they go.Zhuo Yifan swaggered across the market with Liu Zilan in his arms, and immediately attracted countless people's amazed eyes.This also achieved the effect he expected before.It is estimated that some people should have noticed the situation on his side.Now that everything is ready, it depends on whether the fish will take the bait.

A black Mercedes-Benz was parked in the emergency parking area on the side of the highway a few kilometers away from the airport.In the driver's seat, Guan Peng stared at the monitor screen on his laptop, frowning deeply.

"Zhuo Yifan is hanging out with a woman at the airport? What is the identity of this woman?" Guan Peng turned his head suspiciously and asked a young man on the co-pilot.

"That woman is a senior inspector named Liu Zilan." The young man explained bluntly.

"Liu Zilan? Is that the female inspector that Zhuo Yifan and He Weiguang are fighting with? It's interesting. What about He Weiguang?" Guan Peng showed a thoughtful look, and asked the young man beside him, changing the subject.

"He Weiguang was taken to the airport management building by the airport special police. According to our information, he may be locked in one of the interrogation rooms. And Wei Shanming has already been interrogated, but when it was He Weiguang's turn, Zhuo Yifan took that Liu Zilan came out to buy a set of clothes, and then the two of them wandered around the airport, not knowing what to do!" The young man frowned suspiciously and reminded.

"Do you think they did it on purpose?" Guan Peng asked thoughtfully.

"On purpose? You mean, they want to lure you into the bait?" The young man suddenly showed surprise when he heard the words.

"I do have doubts about this. But there is one thing I can't explain. How did Zhuo Yifan know that I might come back to kill He Weiguang?" Guan Peng asked again with a look of hesitation.

"Perhaps he is more cautious. But he has no reason to do so. What he cares most about now is to get some useful information from He Weiguang. Even if He Weiguang dies in the end, it will not damage his reputation." Benefits!" The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, and reminded with some confusion.

"That's the crux of the problem. Do you think he put He Weiguang's matter on hold because he was so interested in falling in love with that Liu Zilan?" Guan Peng asked with raised eyebrows.

"This explanation should be considered logical. But why don't I believe it?" The young man frowned and explained.

"Anyway, now is our chance. If we miss it, it may be too late to start. You guys continue to help me keep an eye on Zhuo Yifan's movements. I need to keep a distance of 1000 meters from him. If I find him If he approaches or disappears, remind me immediately!" After pondering for a moment, Guan Peng gave a straightforward order, started the car, and drove towards the airport.

On the other side, Zhuo Yifan and Liu Zilan walked farther and farther away, and had basically left the range of the airport, just circling aimlessly around the edge of the airport.

"You know? It's the first time I've walked down the street holding hands with a man. It's like those couples in TV dramas. I never imagined that this kind of thing would happen to me." Liu Zilan said At that time, he smiled and said to Zhuo Yifan who was beside him.

"Then do I make up for your regrets in the past 27 years?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but chuckled when he heard that.

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