super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5727 Looking for clues 2

"I just want to remind you, don't be betrayed by Long Xiangtian. What if he gives us false news, even if the news is true, do you know what he is thinking? To help you Find the nuclear warhead?" Xie Dongting reminded with a straight face.

Xie Dongting's words moved Zhuo Yifan's heart.That's right, what is Long Xiangtian's purpose in doing this?Could it be that he just wanted to help him find the nuclear warhead and deal with the Dragon Prince?

"I also think the team leader's worry is very reasonable. There is an old saying that the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit. If we follow the clues provided by Long Xiangtian to investigate, we will probably fall into his trap, and eventually we will find the nuclear warhead. It is also possible that both Prince Long and Prince Long will suffer. And in the end, only Long Xiangtian will take advantage!" Angel also frowned at this time, and nodded in agreement.

"You've said so much, so should I ask him for clues?" Zhuo Yifan immediately smiled wryly.He understood the worries of these two people.He is not a fool, so he will naturally doubt Long Xiangtian's motives.But just because of this suspicion, you can't completely deny Long Xiangtian, or even do nothing, right?No matter what Long Xiangtian was thinking, at least they could get the clues, and that was the most important thing.

"Yes, of course. Long Xiangtian must know all the details of the nuclear warhead before it was snatched by Prince Long. He should have personally asked about the route, vehicle, and personnel in charge of transportation. After all, this thing is unusual, it is a nuclear warhead. We Now we have to rely on Long Xiangtian to avoid some detours, and at the same time prevent him from being taken into the ditch." Xie Dongting said with a serious face.

Only then did Zhuo Yifan find out the number on the phone that he and Long Xiangtian had called several times.Now I can only make this call, otherwise I won't be able to contact that guy for the time being.I just don't know if the phone can still be connected.

Fortunately, after the number was dialed, the call went through.This made Zhuo Yifan feel a little relieved.Then someone picked up the phone and asked impatiently in his voice, "Who is it?"

As soon as Zhuo Yifan heard the voice, he knew it wasn't Long Xiangtian himself, so he said bluntly, "Ask him to call me back!"

"He? Who are you?" The person on the other side of the phone was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his voice became suspicious and deep.

"You tell him, he will know." After Zhuo Yifan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.If the man who answered the phone is from Long Xiangtian, then he must know who he is looking for.Long Xiangtian will get the news soon, and he should find a way to contact him.But if Long Xiangtian hasn't contacted him for a long time, it can only mean that the owner of that phone number has changed.

However, judging from the other party's last question, Zhuo Yifan dared to conclude that he was still Long Xiangtian's person in all likelihood.

"What if Long Xiangtian doesn't call you?" Angel asked at this time.

"Then there is no other way. I hope our luck will not be too bad." Zhuo Yifan shook his head helplessly.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang immediately.The call came from an unfamiliar number.

"Sure enough, our luck is not that bad!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled at the angel, and then connected the phone.

"Master Zhuo, what can I do for you?" Long Xiangtian's voice came from the phone immediately.

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