"Then are you going to prepare for the tribulation these days?" Shen Jiayi asked curiously at this time.

"That's right. I'm going to Xijing tomorrow to join my grandfather. Then I'll look for a safe place to cross the catastrophe. I won't be in the capital by then, so I'll leave the matter here to you!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and urged.

"I heard that Yun'er is going to give birth, and the due date is next Monday. Can you make it back smoothly?" Shen Jiayi reminded with some worry.

"Next Monday? The day after I cross the catastrophe? It should be fine!" Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard this, and then showed some hesitation.He really wasn't sure if he could get home on time.I just hope that Xia Yun will not blame him when the time comes.

"Before you leave, go to the hospital to see Yun'er." Shen Jiayi reminded helplessly.

Xia Yun had already been admitted to the hospital a few days ago.Naturally, it is also for the smooth delivery of the fetus, worrying about any accidents.Zhuo's mother and Wang Shuxian were also accompanying her in the hospital. Of course, all the girls would visit Xia Yun in the hospital when they were free.Zhuo Yifan went there two or three times in time, and after listening to Shen Jiayi's words, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "I'll go today when I'm free. But Ryan and Doreen just came back, let's talk about something serious!"

"What other fantastic ideas do you have?" Shen Jiayi asked speechlessly when she heard the words.Every time Zhuo Yifan talked about serious matters, he would definitely come up with some ideas that surprised everyone.

"I want to merge Zhuo Group into Tianyao Group!" Zhuo Yifan said bluntly.

"What? Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with us? You decided on your own?" Shen Jiayi asked dissatisfiedly, her eyes widened when she heard this.

"I also just made a decision. I don't think it is necessary to create a separate Zhuo Group. Tianyao is strong, so we simply merged the Zhuo Group. I just called my second brother Zhuo Ran and asked him to get out of the Zhuo Group immediately. Come back from the United States. Then you can discuss the specific merger matters!" Zhuo Yifan explained bluntly.

"You guy, you can catch us off guard every time. Don't forget that the Zhuo Group has shares in our Rothschild and Morgan." Ryan complained dissatisfiedly from the side.

"I know. I don't mind if you withdraw your shares." Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly.

When Ryan heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.This thing is too bad to talk about.At this time, let yourself draw shares.Do you want to let yourself have a convulsion?

"Okay, let's talk about this matter after Zhuo Ran arrives. Ryan and Doreen finally came back today, and several projects of the group are on the right track. Would you like to ask yourself, the hands-off shopkeeper?" Shen Jiayi didn't Rolling his eyes angrily, he asked.

"I'll leave this kind of matter to you to worry about. I, the hands-off shopkeeper, should just shake my hands to the end. At noon, I will treat everyone to dinner. But now I have to go to the hospital to see Yun'er!" Zhuo Yifan He said with a cheeky laugh.

"I really can't help you. If you want to go, hurry up. I don't see that you have any serious business these days, but you are busier than anyone else." Shen Jiayi sighed helplessly, and could only shake her head and smile wryly.

"Then it's settled. I'll contact you at noon." After Zhuo Yifan finished speaking, he left the Zhuo Group directly.

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