super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5815 Preparing to Cross the Tribulation 3

"Prince, I have prepared the launch of the nuclear bomb according to your order. As long as you give the order, we will launch the nuclear bomb according to the coordinates you provided. However, the consequences of this will definitely be considerable. Seriously. Are you sure you really want to do this?" Although Zeng Xiaoguang was respectful, there was obviously a trace of hesitation in his words.After all, launching a nuclear warhead is no joke.The worries in my heart are naturally unavoidable.

"You just wait for my news. Besides, is your place safe? Will it be detected by the other party?" Prince Long snorted softly, and then asked casually.

"Don't worry, my lord. This is the latest underground fortification built by the military region, and it hasn't been officially put into use yet. Unless the other party can open their eyes above our heads, they will never find this place!" Zeng Xiaoguang immediately nodded confidently. Guaranteed.

"That's good! Once I have news from my side, I will notify you immediately. Don't have any worries at that time, just launch the thing to me. I will bear all the consequences!" The Dragon Prince said almost crazily.

"Understood the prince!" Zeng Xiaoguang nodded quickly and said.The current Prince Long, even looking at him is a little scared.

And in Beijing, in the suites of the Hilton Hotel.The angel suddenly stared at the display screen of the super notebook, showing a little surprised look.

"Come and see!" the angel hurriedly beckoned to Phoenix and Wisteria at the side.

"What's the matter? Did you find anything?" Fenghuang hurriedly asked.

"Prince Long has appeared in the barracks of the Northwest Military Region." The angel pointed to the monitoring screen on the screen and explained to the two women.

"Aren't you using satellites to investigate? Why is there surveillance suddenly? Satellites can also be used as surveillance?" Wisteria asked in surprise.

"Idiot, I hacked into the surveillance system of the Northwest Military Region. This is the surveillance in the military region." Angel rolled his eyes angrily and said.

"Then Prince Long appeared in the Northwest Military Region at this time. Could it be because of the nuclear warhead? Could it be that my husband really guessed that Prince Long is going to use this nuclear warhead to deal with him when he crosses the catastrophe? Wisteria reminded with a sudden change of expression.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong. Call your husband right away and tell him the situation!" Angel nodded and urged Phoenix at the side.

Naturally, Phoenix took out his mobile phone without hesitation, and called Zhuo Yifan who was still in Xijing.

Zhuo Yifan was making final preparations with Qingyan at this time, and the two were about to set off for the robbery site.Unexpectedly, Fenghuang's phone call came at this time.If it was later, Zhuo Yifan would have turned off the phone directly!

"Fenghuang, what's the matter?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a heartbeat.

"Prince Long appeared in the barracks of the Northwest Military Region. We discovered it. We suspected that he really planned to use that nuclear warhead against you!" Fenghuang explained bluntly.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help chuckling: "This is the moment I've been waiting for. I'm afraid he won't come! Don't worry, just keep watching. Besides, my phone is about to be turned off, so don't give it to me anymore. Call. I will take care of things here myself!"

"Then be careful yourself." Fenghuang agreed, and then ended the call with Zhuo Yifan.

"Is Prince Long really going to make a move?" Qing Yan asked with a slight frown when she heard the content of the call.

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