super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5824: The Tribulation Succeeded 1

"What's going on? What's the problem? What about the nuclear bomb? Why didn't the nuclear bomb explode?" Prince Long looked at the cloudless sky over the Qinling Mountains at this time, his face was extremely ugly, and his facial features were almost distorted. Asked Zeng Xiaoguang at the side road.

Zeng Xiaoguang was already in a cold sweat at this time.In fact, just as they were about to set off, he had already received news from the base.It was said that the missile suddenly disappeared on the radar.It actually disappeared... Nima...a missile disappeared out of thin air.You can hear the sound even when you set off a firecracker, and a missile disappeared inexplicably without leaving a trace!

But how dare he tell Prince Long the news?He was afraid that Prince Long would swallow him alive after he knew the situation.

"I... I don't know either!" Zeng Xiaoguang almost cried out of fright, beggingly looking at Qing Nu beside him, hoping that he could speak for him.

"Prince, I don't think it's Zeng Si's problem. I'm afraid the Zhuo family used some method to solve the crisis of nuclear warheads! Don't forget that they have masters in the tribulation period. To do this is not It's very difficult!" Qing Nu reminded with an ugly face.

"Fart. That's a nuclear bomb, it's not an ordinary missile. Even a master in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage cannot stop the power of a nuclear bomb explosion. Do you think I'm an idiot?" Prince Long retorted crazily.

Qing Yan lowered his head with an ugly face, and he didn't know how to explain it.But it turns out that the nuclear warhead really did not explode.It even disappeared out of thin air!

"Tell me clearly, what's going on? Otherwise, I will push you down from here!" At this moment, Prince Long frantically grabbed Zeng Xiaoguang's neck, and the other hand had already opened the helicopter hatch. When it was opened, it was about to push Zeng Xiaoguang out.

Zeng Xiaoguang was so frightened by Prince Long's actions that he peed his pants, he yelled and begged for mercy: "Prince...Prince, I really don't know, I don't want to die yet, please don't kill me, please You, don't kill me!"

"Enough, let me go!" At this moment, a cold voice rang in the ears of several people.

Hear this figure.Prince Long's body trembled, and then he turned his head in surprise, looked at another figure that appeared inside the helicopter, and shouted with an ugly expression: "Father..."

Who is it if it's not Long Xiaolin?

"Let go of Zeng Si. This matter has nothing to do with him." Long Xiaolin yelled at Prince Long again in an orderly tone.

Prince Long gritted his teeth with an ugly expression, but finally loosened Zeng Xiaoguang's neck.

"What's going on?" Prince Long took a deep breath before asking in a low tone.

"It's not sure yet, but what is certain is that the people of the Zhuo family have successfully intercepted the missile. And they didn't let it detonate. I was nearby before and noticed the movement of that woman Qingyan. She made the missile disappear!" Long Xiaolin explained helplessly.

"Did it disappear? A missile, such a big missile, if you say it is gone, it will be gone?" Prince Long suddenly laughed angrily when he heard this.

"Calm down. What do you look like now? I told you a long time ago that this nuclear warhead should not be used lightly, but you just refused to listen. It's all right now, and the people of the Zhuo family have been taken advantage of for nothing!" Long Xiaolin slapped Prince Long with his hands, and reprimanded him with a livid face.

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