super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5891 Zhuo Yifan's plan 1

"Well. I have already found the person, and I will send it to you in a few days. There should be enough people by then. I need you to find a solution for me as quickly as possible." Prince Long nodded slowly commanded.

"I will try my best!" The middle-aged man nodded and agreed.

"Very good!" Prince Long nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to order: "Go and show Uncle Qin the information about this project!"

"Good prince!" The middle-aged man agreed, then took out a document from the desk behind him, and handed it to Uncle Qin directly.

"Uncle Qin, take a look and see if there is any problem!" Prince Long said with a smile.

Uncle Qin didn't answer, but looked at the document carefully.After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "I need time to study it. I will stay here today and give you an answer tomorrow!"

"Alright, Uncle Qin. Then we'll stay here for one more day." Prince Long agreed with a nod.

Beijing, Office X.

"Why are you running back again? What's the matter?" Seeing Zhuo Yifan who suddenly appeared, X asked with a look of surprise.

"I just went to the Central Bureau of Interpol. I didn't expect you to give me the position of deputy director. Is this a bit too much? I can't be the deputy director!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a wry smile.

"You are so rare that you are cheap and good-looking. This deputy director is only temporary, and you have not been assigned any specific tasks. Your position is like a temporary extra. It just gives you some privileges to make things easier for you. .” X heard this, and immediately snorted softly.

"I'm relieved when you say that! In addition, I can already confirm that what happened last night must have been done by the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"So, you have decided to go to England?" X was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked with raised eyebrows.

"No, we can't be led by the nose by the enemy. Although those biologists are missing all over the world, I think whoever kidnaps them will definitely gather them in one place. Even if I go to England, there is no I can't find anything!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head and explained.

"Then why did you come to see me?" X asked in surprise.

"I suspect that these missing biologists will all be secretly brought to China in the last two days!" Zhuo Yifan explained bluntly.

"What? Why did you make such a judgment?" X asked in surprise after hearing the words.

"Actually, it's very simple. I don't think it's safer to come to China in any place abroad. After all, the northwest region is the old nest of the Long family. And it's very easy to smuggle people into China from that direction !" Zhuo Yifan explained bluntly.

"Based on this explanation? Do you dare to conclude that they will do this?" X asked noncommittally.

"Of course not. The main thing is the Long family's approach, which makes me very suspicious. Why did they just ignore Huaxia? Although our Huaxia is not as advanced as foreign countries in the field of biology, there are also many authoritative talents in this field. If you just don't want to follow It's a bit too far-fetched for us to tear ourselves apart. After all, the Long family has done a lot of things like this before!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head and explained.

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