super unscrupulous student

5927 - Reorganization begins 5

"It seems that you intend to give Tianyao a big change. Since you are the big boss, we will listen to you. We will do whatever you say." Zhuo Ran nodded slowly in agreement.

"I read the information you sent to Jiayi. These problems are the most serious in the European branch and the Southeast Asian branch. Who do you think we should choose first to make this chicken?" Zhuo Yifan's face turned serious at this moment. Asked Zhuo Ran.

"I can give my own opinion. I hope you don't think that I have a personal prejudice against excellence. I choose the Southeast Asia branch to start first. First of all, the Southeast Asia branch is definitely the one with the most serious annual losses among these branches, but as for Whether there are really so many losses, that is only clear in their hearts. Secondly, the current position of president of the Southeast Asia division is held by Joyo. In terms of relationship, he is our peer. Compared with those elders in other divisions, It’s easier to deal with. It’s not easy to be honest. After all, Xiaofan, you are also a junior. If you make your elders look bad, you will inevitably be criticized by others! I also know that you don’t care about their opinions, but this is good for the unity of the Zhuo family. But it is extremely unfavorable. This is just my opinion, as for the final decision, it is still in your hands!" Zhuo Ran nodded bluntly and analyzed.

The smile on Zhuo Yifan's face remained undiminished, and he nodded slowly and said: "It is said that the gun hits the first bird, and this sentence is indeed true. As the boss of our generation, Zhuo Zhuo failed to set an example and set us a correct example." The role model of Zhuo Yifan is itself a problem. Although he is my elder brother, I have nothing to say in this regard. Even if my elder brother Zhuo Yifan did such a thing, I will definitely punish him severely. Since you have chosen Excellence, let him be. Where is he now? Southeast Asia?"

"That's right. After the Snowy Trial, he should return to Southeast Asia. Except for certain days and some special reasons, he basically stays abroad for a year." Zhuo Ran nodded and explained.

"How about this, you use the name of the headquarters to send a notice to the heads of the seven group branches. In three days, all of them will return to Xijing to hold the group shareholders' meeting." Zhuo Yifan ordered bluntly.

"Three days later? Is the time too tight?" Zhuo Ran reminded with some hesitation.

"Three days is enough. How long will it take to fly from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere? Unless they don't want to come!" Zhuo Yifan snorted disapprovingly.

"Um... It's not me who hit you. It is estimated that there is no one else in the seven branches except me." Zhuo Ran said with a helpless smile.

"Why?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

"Tianyao Group will report its financial situation to the headquarters every quarter, and there will be a high-level meeting at the Xijing headquarters before the ancestor worship every year. It is only once a year. Now Tianyao Group has been handed over from uncle to you. , but suddenly proposed to hold a meeting right away, what do you think the uncle will think? They can find any excuse, but they can't refuse!" Zhuo Ran explained helplessly.

"Then tell them that the purpose of my meeting this time is to redistribute the interests of the shares. If they don't come, it means that they have agreed to my plan. Don't blame me for not informing them when the time comes." Zhuo Yifan's expression turned pale Suddenly he snorted coldly.

"It's Monday again, brothers, tickets are blowing up!"Chapter 5 will be updated tonight, and the rest will be updated during the day. Thank you for your support and rewards! "

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