super unscrupulous student

Watch the concert 5966

"How could it be? Zhuo Shao really likes to joke. You can bring your family to watch the concert of our company's singer, that is the blessing of our company's singer. I am too happy to be the boss. It's almost half an hour, I'd better take you in first. Otherwise, when we finish talking, the concert will be over soon!" Long Wu said half-jokingly at this time.

"Then I'll trouble Brother Fifth!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and agreed with a smile.

"Are you really Dragon Five? It's exactly the same as in the movie. I didn't expect the real person to act cooler than the movie! Do you usually bring so many bodyguards when you go out?" Song Zixin leaned forward at this moment, with a curious expression on his face inquired.

Long Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly: "That's right, these are the bodyguards responsible for my daily safety!"

"Zixin, you have to be polite when you talk to Fifth Brother!" Zhuo Yifan reminded him dumbfounded, and then said to Long Wu, "I'm sorry, Fifth Brother, I made you laugh!"

"It's okay, Mr. Zhuo. This girl is quick to talk and has a straightforward personality. I also like it very much." Long Wu nodded and smiled disapprovingly.

Then Long Wu led the crowd into the gymnasium from the working passage on one side, directly under the surprised eyes of the fans at the door.With Long Wu present, no one dared to stop them if they wanted to go in.After all, Longwu's entertainment company is the organizer of this concert.

When entering the backstage directly from the passage, the staff members encountered along the way were all greeting Long Wu affectionately.It can be seen how important Long Wu is in the hearts of this group of people.After all, he is a big brother in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, so the treatment is different!

"I didn't expect there to be such a girl who can sing under Fifth Brother's banner?" Zhuo Yifan complimented with a smile at this time.

"Young master Zhuo is overwhelmed. As you said, our company focuses on film and television. As for singing, we only focus on training one or two singers. This Wang Xiaofei is the singer I have seen and think has the most potential. He will cultivate her so painstakingly! Ruobing knows this!" Long Wu explained with a smile.

"That's called excellence. Like those so-called record companies, there are hundreds of singers under their banners, how many of them can really sing, and how many can become popular? I think Fifth Brother is much better than those companies in this regard! " Zhuo Yifan shook his head disapprovingly.

"Young Master Zhuo is too much!" Hearing this, the smile on Long Wu's face became even brighter.After saying a word of humility, he saw a surprised woman walking towards him.

"Fifth Master, why did you come here in person? Are you interested in coming to our Xiao Fei's concert tonight? Xiao Fei will be very happy to know about it!" The woman who looks about 30 years old can't be said to be very beautiful , but it's passable, and he is very respectful to Long Wu's words.

"Young Master Zhuo, let me introduce you. This Zhang Ya is Wang Xiaofei's manager. She also brought Wang Xiaofei up." Long Wu did not answer the woman's words, but turned his head and introduced to Zhuo Yifan.

"It turned out to be Sister Zhang. Nice to meet you!" Zhuo Yifan nodded politely.

"Hello!" Zhang Ya looked surprised. Hearing Long Wu's address to the young man in front of him, he couldn't turn his head around, and his tone was a little stiff.

"Zhang Ya, this is Mr. Zhuo from mainland China. It's not me who wants to see Xiaofei's concert tonight. It's Mr. Zhuo and his family who want to see it. I just accompany them. You see Let's arrange it." Long Wu then explained to Zhang Ya with a smile.

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