super unscrupulous student

Chapter 602 Journey to the Central Shu 1

"Okay! I know, I won't let Brother Ouyang fall like this! Don't worry, I will definitely bring him out of the Public Security Bureau within three days!" Zhao Zhengming said with a gloomy face.

After hanging up the phone with Ouyang Wentian, Zhao Zhengming's expression became more and more gloomy.

The fact that Ouyang Xinyan was rushed away was so sudden that he was caught off guard.It's not that his relationship with Ouyang Xinya is really good enough to worry about Ouyang Xinyan, but that he will be implicated because of him.

If this matter is not handled well, maybe it has something to do with me!No matter what happens now, we must find a way to get Ouyang Xinyan out of it first.

Liang Zijie at the side looked at Zhao Zhengming, who had a terribly gloomy face, and asked in surprise, "What happened, Mr. Zhao?"

"Shut up the fuck! Don't bother me now!" Zhao Zhengming was suddenly interrupted by Liang Zijie's thoughts. He couldn't help being angry, and smashed the goblet in his hand in a fit of anger.Blood dripped down the palm of his hand onto the high-grade marble floor.

Liang Zijie was taken aback by Zhao Zhengming's sudden outburst.There was a sudden tremor in my heart, and then I obediently closed my mouth, not daring to say a word.

Zhao Zhengming let out a long breath, tried to calm down his mood, and then looked at Liang Zijie, stood up from the sofa, and went into the bathroom.The broken glass in my hand made my palm really hurt.If Liang Zijie wasn't by his side, Zhao Zhengming couldn't help covering his hands and shouting for help!

When Zhao Zhengming came out of the bathroom again, he regained his indifferent expression.

He who is used to being calm couldn't help but explode just now!The incident of Ouyang Xinyan seems to have dealt a big blow to Zhao Zhengming!It's not just that Ouyang Xinyan was put into it by Zhuo Yifan, but he was also put on by Zhuo Yifan!

"I lost control of my emotions just now, I'm sorry!" Zhao Zhengming just said lightly, and walked upstairs to the bedroom without paying attention to Liang Zijie.He was going to contact his father, and he needed to get Ouyang Xinyan out of the Public Security Bureau through his own relationship.

Early in the morning, when Zhuo Yifan woke up from his sleep, he found that there was nothing around him, and Wang Yan'er was no longer there.

She slept with Wang Yan'er last night.Zhuo Yifan didn't know when he got used to sleeping in different girls' rooms in turn every night. This kind of life is an unimaginable beauty for any man, but in Zhuo Yifan's place, it has become a kind of torment.

Except for Xia Xiaoyu, Zhuo Yifan had never had that kind of intimate contact with other girls, and Wang Yaner and the girls felt somewhat unbalanced.But after all, she is a girl, and this kind of request is not something that can be said casually!Even Xia Xiaoyu didn't ask for it.Zhuo Yifan had a hard time to describe, so he could only endure it for the time being.

Waking up early has become a habit for Wang Yaner.If Zhuo Yifan wakes up on time at 6:5 every morning, then Wang Yaner wakes up at [-]:[-].Sometimes Zhuo Yifan wondered if this girl's sleep time was so short, would it affect his body.

After washing up, Zhuo Yifan ran downstairs.Just as he guessed, Wang Yan'er was already preparing breakfast for several people.This may be Zhuo Yifan's happiest moment. If there is a woman like this, what more can a husband ask for?

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