super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6050 Broken

Feeling helpless, Zhuo Yifan was just about to leave Jin Province when he heard a man's cold voice next to his ear: "Since you've already arrived, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.People who can discover themselves and suddenly appear beside them must be masters above the stage of transformation.And listening to this person's voice, he has already recognized the other person's identity.It was Long Xiaolin!Why is he here?Did they find out about the theft of the medicine box?

"How could it be you?" Zhuo Yifan turned his head, looked at the black figure suddenly appearing beside him, and asked in surprise.

"Are you surprised? You stole the medicine boxes in the five tents, right?" Long Xiaolin snorted coldly.

"Yes. But the word 'stolen' is not accurate. You should say, I captured it!" Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly, and corrected Long Xiaolin's words.

"I don't want to care about whether you stole it or paid it back. I just want you to return what you took away!" Long Xiaolin narrowed his eyes and said with a threatening tone in his tone.

"That's impossible. I won't let you use this kind of thing to harm people again. Besides, this Jin province is not a place where your Long family can interfere. Now that the matter has reached this point, I still give you a piece of advice. Close now There is still time. If not, you can only bring the Long family to a situation where there is no redemption!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head slowly to remind.

"You don't need to remind me of this. If you don't return those medicines, you have to think about the consequences. I'm not trying to scare you, and I won't do anything to you. But I promise, there will be more horrible things to happen next. Maybe the situation will be ten thousand times worse!" Long Xiaolin snorted disapprovingly.His tone was full of threats.

"Are you threatening me?" Zhuo Yifan frowned, his expression turned cold for a moment.

"This is my advice to you. In fact, if your Zhuo family can cease fighting with our Long family, and the two join hands, why worry that the world is not under our control? Why are you so pedantic, for the sake of those ordinary mortals? , and not hesitate to take the risk to fight against us? This is not good for you or the Zhuo family!" Long Xiaolin reminded with a sudden change of subject.

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't have your ambitions. I just hope that my life can be a little more peaceful. As a practitioner, you should focus on pursuing the Dao. But you put your mind on this kind of pursuit of power and status. Don't you feel ashamed of your self-cultivation? It is because of you people that I can live in peace and tranquility. Now you want me to be with you, it is ridiculous!" Zhuo Yi When Fan heard the words, he suddenly sneered.His tone was full of sarcasm.

"Don't tell me these big truths. Pursue the Dao? Do you think anyone can be as lucky as you, born with a fire spirit body? The aura is so thin in this world, and the masters of the entire China who have survived the tribulation period for nearly a hundred years There are only two people here. Pursue the Dao? I have not broken through the bottleneck for 20 years, why should I waste time on such impossible things? Since I have abilities beyond ordinary people, why can’t I live according to my wishes? Will The whole world is in your hands?" Long Xiaolin roared angrily when he heard this.

Fortunately, both of them have set up barriers around them, so that outsiders cannot find out, nor can they hear the conversation between them.

It's a new day, a new week, guys, it's a big deal!If you have anything to do, please join the group and interact directly with Xuanwu, a group of goblins: 83890380, now update 3 chapters, and will update [-] chapters in the evening, how to say is also the first day of this month, Xuanwu will make a small update, but can you add more tomorrow I can't guarantee it for the time being, but the normal daily update will be done with all my might, I wish you all a happy day!

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