super unscrupulous student

Chapter 630 Tang Tianfeng’s Arrangement 5

"Master Tang doesn't need to care about my master's attitude! I will take care of this matter alone, and you will never be involved! And I will not tell anyone about you helping me return to Youzhou! This point I can still do it!" Zhuo Yifan said with a frown.

"Brother Zhuo is worrying too much! I'm not really worried that I will be blamed by Sect Leader Hua for this incident, but I'm just worried that there will be conflicts between Brother Zhuo and Sect Leader Hua because of this matter! I This is for your sake!" Tang Tianfeng said hastily.In fact, he wished that the relationship between Zhuo Yifan and Hua Yun would become tense. If this was the case, it would be easier for him to deal with Zhuo Yifan!

Of course, Tang Tianfeng also thought about taking action against Zhuo Yifan now, but after thinking about it for a while, he still felt that it was not appropriate.The old fox still chose the safest way.If Zhuo Yifan is solved now, maybe Hua Yun will really fight for him!

"Leader Tang, please give me a quick word! Will this help or not?" Zhuo Yifan stared at Tang Tianfeng with burning eyes and asked bluntly.

Tang Tianfeng was taken aback when he heard the words, then lowered his head and thought for a while, then he patted his thigh hesitantly and said, "Okay! Since Brother Zhuo has already talked about this, it is unreasonable not to help this favor! I will help Tang Tianfeng." Someone helped!"

Zhuo Yifan only smiled when he heard this, but he was relieved in his heart.What he guessed was right, Tang Tianfeng would really help him with this!But what Zhuo Yifan didn't know was that there was Murong Jian in Tang Tianfeng's family!This is the biggest reason for Tang Tianfeng to help!

Liu Mengzhuo Yifan actually talked about this matter, looking very surprised.Although Liu Meng already knew Tang Tianfeng's thoughts to some extent, but Zhuo Yifan talked Tang Tianfeng so easily, which still made Liu Meng feel a little too simple.

"Thank you, Head Tang! I owe you a favor to Head Tang!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile, but felt quite helpless in his heart.In order to return to Youzhou, the only option now is to find Tang Tianfeng!To actually owe this old fox a favor, what is this called?It's all because that old man Huayun is too rigid!Zhuo Yifan cursed Hua Yun with some distaste.

"Brother Zhuo, you are welcome! I have a private plane, and I will send a nephew back to Youzhou tomorrow night. I will say hello to the people below, and you can go directly to Fengdu Airport!" Tang Tianfeng said happily Said.

Zhuo Yifan was a little surprised when he heard this, but he didn't ask any more questions.It is not unusual for Tang Tianfeng to have a private jet.How big is Tang Sect's industry?It is still very simple to buy a plane and a route!The problem was that this guy said that he would send someone to Youzhou tomorrow, but who this person was became a question in Zhuo Yifan's mind.

"Okay! Thank you, Head Tang. Since the matter has been discussed, let's take our leave first!" Zhuo Yifan didn't want to stay in this place for a long time, so he chose to leave immediately.

Tang Tianfeng didn't want to stay, and then called the housekeeper and sent Zhuo Yifan out of his villa.

After taking a taxi, Zhuo Yifan took Liu Meng back to the hotel.Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief in the car.

The matter of returning to Youzhou was finally settled, even if Hua Yun wanted to stop him now, he might not be able to stop him!Zhuo Yifan didn't know that he would meet his most troublesome rival in love on the plane tomorrow, and that was Murong Jian!

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