Zhuo Yifan didn't think too much about it.

Shaking his head, Zhuo Yifan smiled and said, "Nothing! Let's go quickly! I don't know how far Sancha Ridge is from here. It's already past six o'clock, and that person made an appointment with the old man at eight o'clock." Let’s meet on the mountain, it’s better for us to hurry over there!”

Liu Meng didn't think too much after hearing the words.Followed Zhuo Yifan into a taxi and left the hotel.

Sancha Ridge is not too far from Fengdu City.It's only an hour's drive, all the way to the east, which can be regarded as the urban-rural fringe area of ​​the eastern suburbs.

There are many mountains in the middle of Sichuan. After leaving the downtown area and gradually driving to the east, Zhuo Yifan and Liu Meng will be able to see the mountains in the distance.

About an hour or so, the car stopped in a small town.Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise: "Master, are we here yet? We are going to Sanchaling!"

The driver smiled and explained: "This town is called Sancha Town. Do you see the mountain in front? That is Sancha Ridge! This mountain is relatively steep and there are no people living there, so there is no road built yet. If you want to go up the mountain, you can only go down here!"

Zhuo Yifan looked in the direction of the driver's finger.At the end of a street in the town, there is indeed a very steep mountain.It's just that the night was already dark, and Zhuo Yifan couldn't see clearly.

"So that's how it is! Then let's get off here!" After paying the fare, Zhuo Yifan took Liu Meng out of the taxi.

"Husband! Shall we go up now?" Liu Meng looked at Sancha Ridge not far away and asked hesitantly.

"Go! Why not? Isn't the purpose of our coming here to go to Sancha Ridge?" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

Although he also had a bad premonition in his heart, he always felt that this mountain was full of murderous threats.But this aroused Zhuo Yifan's blood even more!Looks like there's going to be a real fight tonight!

It must be quite exciting!

When martial arts practitioners reach a certain level, they have a subconscious judgment on danger.Zhuo Yifan is sure that the premonition in his heart will come true in all likelihood!It seems that this is really a plot to divert the tiger away from the mountain.Fortunately, there is still Huayun in Fengdu, so Zhuo Yifan doesn't have to worry that the other party will really succeed.

The two walked along the only street in the town leading to the foot of Sanchaling Mountain.The more you go up the mountain, the more desolate it becomes, and the number of people gradually becomes rarer.

Until later, I could only see large fields but no houses, only a very steep mountain in front of me.

Came to the foot of the mountain.Zhuo Yifan and Liu Meng couldn't help but stop.There is only a yellow mud path in front of them leading to the mountain.It's just that there are weeds and thorns all around, which is obviously a good place to ambush.Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but raise his vigilance a bit.

"Be careful!" Zhuo Yifan reminded softly, then took Liu Meng's little hand and walked up the mountain along the yellow mud path.

The two walked up the mountain cautiously.At this time, the night was completely dark, and there were no fireworks or lights around, only the chirping of insects and the cries of unknown animals could be heard.

Although Liu Meng came from a killer organization, in this environment, she instinctively developed a kind of dependence on Zhuo Yifan.Holding Zhuo Yifan's little hand didn't feel tighter!

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