super unscrupulous student

Chapter 639 Night Slaughter

Zhuo Yifan was secretly angry. Since his debut, when has he been in such a mess?

Xiao Hei and the big men lost Zhuo Yifan's figure.

In the darkness, Zhuo Yifan crouched in the grass, calmed down, and made no sound. In the chaos just now, no one knew where he had gone.

Because of the treasure raid, Xiao Hei and his party didn't have lighting tools, and even if they had lighting tools, they didn't dare to use them lightly.

As soon as the light appeared, wouldn't it immediately become a living target?

Everyone lost their target, didn't know where to start, and felt even more depressed, for fear that Zhuo Yifan would suddenly appear by their side, but everyone was highly concentrated and watched their surroundings vigilantly.

Liu Meng said that he was worried.But this girl is not stupid, seeing two big men rushing towards her, she also followed Zhuo Yifan's example and rolled into the grass next to her.

Since you can't touch them head-on, then come here!

Zhuo Yifan suddenly had an idea in his heart, so he lay quietly on the ground, waiting for the opportunity to come.

"Zhuo Yifan, come out if you have the guts. Why are you hiding on the ground like a pug and dare not come out?" Xiao Hei couldn't help but shouted angrily.

The gun in his hand fired two shots into the sky.

Zhuo Yifan sneered in his heart, but he felt that a big man had found his vicinity.The big man obviously didn't notice Zhuo Yifan who was lying on his stomach not far from his feet, and he was still slowly walking towards this side.

Seeing that a prey was hooked, Zhuo Yifan immediately jumped up from the ground with a bow, and rushed towards the big man as fast as he could. The Oolong Blade cut off the big man's neck in an instant.

The big man just thumped his limbs and fell to the ground without moving.

The situation here was quickly discovered by Xiao Hei and other big men.A group of people couldn't help turning their eyes to this side.The big guys are gradually shrinking the encirclement.As long as Zhuo Yifan's location is determined, he will not be able to escape.

Of course Zhuo Yifan knew the other party's plan, if he continued like this, he probably couldn't escape.

Gritting his teeth, Zhuo Yifan slowly crawled towards the direction of Xiao Hei's voice.He still intends to deal with this guy first!

There are several big men around Xiao Hei. This guy is not confident in his skills, and he knows the grievances between himself and Zhuo Yifan. If he meets him, there is probably only one end, and that is death!So a lot of people were arranged around for protection.

Another shadow fell.

Zhuo Yifan's figure was so weird that it almost blended perfectly with the night, making it impossible for people to feel it.

Even if he gets close, it will only feel like the night wind is gently blowing.

And his shots are fierce and ruthless, and the Oolong Blade is an unparalleled sharp weapon. It can kill without blood, and can even cut through steel plates, let alone the human body. Combined with his ghostly skills, it is as terrifying as a devil!

But all the big men who were approached by him were wiped off their necks by him without exception!

At this moment, he is completely a demon king from hell, harvesting life mercilessly, without the slightest mercy!

As he advances, he gradually eliminates the enemies. Zhuo Yifan is getting better and better, and his movements are becoming more and more skillful and fast.

Liu Meng looked at Zhuo Yifan helplessly, feeling extremely anxious, but at this moment, she couldn't say anything more to Zhuo Yifan.And with Zhuo Yifan's temper, it is difficult to change the decision!It can be seen from the incident of returning to Youzhou!

Zhuo Yifan didn't continue to say anything to Liu Meng, but watched the movement around him vigilantly.Those big men who were slowly searching this way were getting closer and closer to the two of them!

In addition to weeds and thorns, there are only cliffs and cliffs nearby!The only road leading down the mountain has been blocked by Xiao Hei and his gang!Two people still have a choice and that is to go up the mountain.But it wasn't at the last moment, Zhuo Yifan would never choose to go this way!

"You find a place to hide later! Let me deal with these people!" Zhuo Yifan took Liu Meng's little hand again, and said with a stroke in her palm.

Although Liu Meng was worried and wanted to persuade Zhuo Yifan, but when she was about to express her thoughts to Zhuo Yifan, Zhuo Yifan immediately interrupted her with a wave of his hand.There was a big man approaching around, Zhuo Yifan was very vigilant and kept the movement of the two to a minimum.

Liu Meng knew that under such circumstances, there was no way to persuade Zhuo Yifan.After Zhuo Yifan made a gesture to her, Liu Meng slowly crawled towards the hidden place on the mountain behind with a trace of worry.

Seeing that Liu Meng had finally left, Zhuo Yifan breathed a sigh of relief and turned his gaze back to the approaching big man.

This big man was already approaching Zhuo Yifan, and he was less than two meters away at this time.Although the big man was holding a flashlight in his hand, thorns and weeds were all over the place, and they grew relatively tall. Zhuo Yifan lay there motionless, but the big man didn't notice it for a while.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan was hesitant to launch a sudden attack.If it makes another movement this time, it will be really exposed!Because they all turned on their flashlights, when they were exposed, they would be immediately locked by those big guys!

Not knowing what to do, Zhuo Yifan could only quietly wait for the time to come.

The other two big men in the distance also slowly moved towards this side.

If this continues, even if Zhuo Yifan doesn't move, he will still be discovered by the other party.

In this case, Zhuo Yifan can only gamble!If you can kill two more, you are two. Since exposure cannot be avoided, of course you must create the best conditions for yourself!

A little depressed, Zhuo Yifan groped for a small stone on the ground, put his Oolong Blade in his cuff, and then sandwiched the small stone between the two fingers of his right hand, and then secretly accumulated strength, toward Looking in another direction, the big man's left side quickly ejected.

Immediately afterwards, the grass opposite Zhuo Yifan made a series of slight noises due to the impact of the stones thrown by Zhuo Yifan.Although the sound was not very loud, it was obvious that the big man and the two surrounding men had noticed it!

The three of them glanced suspiciously at that place, and then looked at each other, then carefully groped towards the direction where Zhuo Yifan's stone bullet was shot!

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but sneered when he saw this scene.

This is indeed a good way to make a difference!After attracting the attention of the three big men, Zhuo Yifan waited for the three big men to slowly gather towards that place, and then followed one of them and slowly touched it.

None of the three realized that there was actually a person following behind them.

Zhuo Yifan looked at the three people in front of him, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, and then with a slight shake of his right hand, the black dragon blade reappeared between his two fingers.

This weapon is Zhuo Yifan's trump card, it is indeed perfect for assassination, and it is the only weapon he can use at this moment.

The three big men came to the place where the noise was made just now, and couldn't help but use branches to pick out the bushes and weeds a few times, but they didn't find anything.

It's now!

Zhuo Yifan saw the right moment, jumped up, and rushed towards the back of the nearest big man.Before the big man could react, he put his hand on his neck from behind, and quickly drew a bloodstain from his neck with the black dragon blade.

Before the big man could react, he felt a chill in his neck, followed by a sharp pain. He wanted to yell, but found that he couldn't make a sound.The blood column splashed from the big man's neck instantly splashed on the back of the neck of a big man in front of him.

The two big men in front heard the movement behind them, and were frightened out of their wits for a moment!

The big man whose neck was splashed with blood immediately turned his head, and saw Zhuo Yifan who was putting down his companion's body at a glance, looking at him with a pair of cold eyes.

The big man was stunned at that moment, fear flooding in his heart like a tide, the terrifying feeling like being stared at by a cheetah made him shudder.

The other big man also reacted almost at the same time, but the movements of both of them seemed a little slow.

Zhuo Yifan took advantage of the moment when the two were stunned, and quickly slashed across the neck of the first big man, and then kicked the second man directly in the chest.

There was only a crisp sound of "click", and the chest of the big man collapsed obviously, and the whole person was kicked by Zhuo Yifan and flew upside down, hitting the mountain wall behind him heavily, and couldn't help but vomit. After taking a mouthful of blood, he fell softly to the ground, life or death unknown!

The movement here naturally alarmed people in other places, including Xiao Hei.

Because the distance is not too far, many people reacted immediately.They rushed over one after another, but Zhuo Yifan dealt with these three people too quickly, it was obviously too late for them to help!

"From today, the number of words will be changed to 2-5 chapters. I hope you like it and give me a lot of support.Please bookmark it again by the way, the damn Tencent has taken out all the nearly 4 collections, and changed the title of the book, and many friends can't find the book. "

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