super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6480 Rescue Operation 4

"I don't agree with your idea, but I don't object either. The place where the 34 people were detained is at the police station on Luzon Island." Zhuo Shaojun said helplessly.

"I understand!" Zhuo Yifan immediately hung up the phone after agreeing.

"What's the matter? According to the director, it seems that he doesn't agree with you to do this?" Song Zihan asked hesitantly at this moment.

"Nothing. If he didn't agree, he wouldn't have told me where the 34 fishermen were detained." Zhuo Yifan shook his head disapprovingly and explained.

Song Zihan heard this, and thought it was the same reason.However, Zhuo Shaojun's words still made her a little suspicious.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang again.But this time the call came from the number in office one.Looking at the incoming call, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Can't you let me save my worries, boy? You have to go to any muddy water. If something goes wrong, what do you want me to do with you?" Yi Hao said in an angry voice. After the call was connected, It was directly transmitted to Zhuo Yifan's ears.

"No.[-], what do you mean? As long as you say no, I'll turn around right away, and I promise I won't take care of this matter anymore!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly when he heard the words.

There was a brief silence on the phone.Afterwards, Chief No. [-]'s angry voice broke out again: "You bastard, are you threatening me now? When you come back, let's see how I deal with you."

"Then you'd better wait until I go back. I'm busy now! If there are no other instructions, I'll hang up first!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Wait!" Hearing this, Chief No. [-] hurriedly said.

"Any instructions from No. [-]?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"You go, remember to rescue everyone safely. It's time to let out this bad breath. After you rescue people, I will agree to their requests. Let's see where they go to find someone to confess Give it to me!" Chief No. [-] snorted coldly.

"No. [-], have you failed your studies?" Zhuo Yifan laughed even more when he heard this.

"You are only allowed to be bad, so why don't I be allowed to follow suit? The Philippines is riding on our necks, do you really want them to shit and pee on top of us?" Chief No. [-] snorted angrily.

"That's fine, you just wait for my good news. I'm going to Luzon soon. I promise to bring you back. Including those three fishing boats!" Zhuo Yifan agreed with a smile.

"Okay. I'm waiting for your good news. When you come back, I will personally celebrate your success!" Chief No. [-] agreed excitedly.

Then Zhuo Yifan agreed, and ended the call with Chief No. [-], and led Song Zihan in the direction of Luzon Island without any worries.

In Zhongnanhai's office, as soon as Chief No. [-] put down the phone on his desk, there was a look of dumbfounding on his face, and he shook his head helplessly.

"Your son, you really don't make people worry at all!" Chief No. [-] said helplessly to Zhuo Shaojun who was sitting opposite.

"No. [-], maybe he is the only one who dares to do things that none of us dare to do. I really support his idea!" Zhuo Shaojun nodded solemnly at this moment.

"Okay, your son and I are all virtuous. What do you think in your heart that you think I don't know? If you don't want him to do this, will you tell him about it through Dongting?" Chief No. [-] snorted angrily.

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