super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6484 Jiangyang Bandit Zhuo 1 Fan 3

"Do you still need to guess? Who else can it be except the Long family? These grandsons don't regard themselves as Chinese people. Their goal is the whole world. They don't care about China's gains and losses. This group of crazy people The guy!" Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly with a gloomy face.

"But what if we got these evidences?" Song Zihan reminded with some hesitation.

"Let's talk about the evidence first. Let's talk about other things after we go back. I don't believe it. There is no way to deal with them!" Zhuo Yifan sneered disapprovingly.

"Then do you want to continue looking?" Song Zihan asked with a frown.

"Of course we need to look for it. But there is nothing to look for in this presidential palace. Let's go to the Congress and visit the offices of Philippine executives first. Then we will go to their homes. I think the good things we can find are definitely not Less!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a sneer.Today he is going to be an out-and-out gangster!

"You are really greedy! Let's go now, we don't have much time. When the people in the presidential palace find out that something is wrong, the entire Philippine country will definitely be on alert. It will not be so easy to attack!" Song Zihan said He reminded with a serious face.

Zhuo Yifan nodded, and took Song Zihan straight away from the presidential residence, heading towards the Capitol.

The next thing was more cumbersome. In short, after Zhuo Yifan and Song Zihan walked around the Capitol, they immediately went to the homes of several main leaders of the Philippines to "patronize" for a while.Similar to the presidential palace, places like the study room, as well as the bedroom, and even the safe, all of them are included in Zhuo Yifan's storage ring.

After doing all this, Zhuo Yifan took Song Zihan to start looking for the whereabouts of the 34 fishermen.The two couldn't help but imagine the expressions of those executives after seeing their homes being 'ransacked'.Zhuo Yifan, the sky-shattering thief, can be said to be nothing but a blockbuster!

"There are no whereabouts of those fishermen in the police station. Where do you think they will be locked up? Is it a prison?" Song Zihan reminded Zhuo Yifan after several searches to no avail.

"Then go and have a look." Zhuo Yifan also felt that it was very possible, so he nodded immediately, and led Song Zihan to "patronize" the prisons around Manila where fishermen might be detained.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and Zhuo Yifan finally found the whereabouts of the 34 fishermen in a prison on Luzon Island.But how to take all these people away without alarming the prison guards is really a problem.After all, it is impossible for Zhuo Yifan to fly with more than 30 people at a time.

"How many people can you bring at most at a time?" Song Zihan asked at this moment.

"Twenty at most, it must be very difficult, and they can't fly fast. They will be spotted easily." Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly.

"Otherwise, divide them into two batches. Take seventeen out in one batch. Settle them in a relatively safe place first. Then take them all to Huangshi Island in batches!" Song Zihan thought for a while, and then suggested.

"That's the only way to go. Let's find a place where everyone can stay temporarily!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement, and then led Song Zihan to find a deserted forest ten kilometers away from the prison.Temporarily settle the fishermen here.It is absolutely impossible for anyone to find it.It is impossible for the Philippine government to respond so quickly!

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