super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6495 A Little Trouble 1

"Some time ago, Saint Nafiel of the Holy See also told me about the things the Pope wanted to cooperate with me. I didn't understand what the Pope wanted to cooperate with me at the time. But I have already agreed, and I will go to the Vatican for a while when I have time." Come on!" Zhuo Yifan simply told all about himself.

"He has already told me about this matter. You set off to the Vatican within a week and explain everything that happened today to the Pope. It can be regarded as a formality for the investigation. Don't worry, the Pope will not Make things difficult for you!" Zhuo Aotian commanded with a serious face at this time.

"Okay, Grandpa. I will arrange a time to go there!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and agreed when he heard the words.He naturally knew that it was impossible for Zhuo Aotian to harm himself!

"Then what should I do with the evidence and documents I got?" Zhuo Yifan asked at this moment, changing the subject.

"Of course it's for me to keep. Are you still planning to hide it privately and blackmail those high-ranking officials in the Philippines?" X heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he snorted softly.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but slander when he heard the words.This thing is in X's hands, probably he 'blackmailed' more than himself, right?

"There are too many things. I will let General Guo find a safer place. I will take out all the things and tidy them up again!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"That's about the same. In addition, the three Philippine warships you sank have already aroused the anger of the Philippine government. All the calls in my office are now connected to Guo Zifeng. Otherwise, the next call will make my head noisy. It hurts. No matter how stupid the President of the Philippines is, he knows that you must have done this!" X snorted angrily.

"That's why they entered our territorial waters first, and there's no evidence to prove that I did it. The boat hit a rock and sank, okay?" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly.

"This matter can be regarded as you have a sense of proportion, you know that you have left room for yourself. Those Philippine soldiers are still in our hands, and they can also be used as bargaining chips in negotiations with the Philippines. These days, the old man, I have something I'm busy, but it's all thanks to you." X snorted softly.

"If you say that, wouldn't I be too wronged? Why do I do these things? You can't blame me!" Zhuo Yifan reminded aggrievedly after hearing the words.

"Okay, you didn't pass this time, you have merit. I will give you this credit. I will have a meeting with the Military Commission with me tomorrow!" X smiled helplessly.

"Why should I go to the Military Commission meeting?" Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard this, and asked in surprise.

"Just let you go, why are you talking so much nonsense?" the No. [-] chief reprimanded with widened eyes after hearing this.

Zhuo Yifan curled his lips, looked at Zhuo Aotian, and then asked: "Grandpa, so this trouble can be solved by going to the Holy See?"

"It's almost like this. In short, you just need to cooperate with the Pope's request. This is a small price to pay for your behavior today!" Zhuo Aotian nodded helplessly.

"Then why not just prove Long Xiaolin's crime? If it is really proved that he instigated the leaders of the Philippines to provoke or even invade China, can he be convicted as well?" Zhuo Yifan suddenly felt a move in his heart. asked.

"You think the problem is too simple. Let me tell you directly, the Long family may use today's incident to disgust you. Even if they can't really do anything to you, but the vice president Long Xiangtian, It’s still possible to make things difficult for you. You’d better be prepared. In addition, the search for God Dafa can not only search for the memory of the soul, but also wash away the memory. Long Xiaolin has memories about that letter and everything with the Philippines. They may all be washed away by the ancestors of the Long family. No one will be able to prove that the letter was written by Long Xiaolin himself. Maybe someone will frame it. They will abandon the Philippine country at worst, but they will not cause any loss to the Long family. , let alone dealing with Long Xiaolin!" Zhuo Aotian reminded with a straight face.

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