super unscrupulous student

Lanqing's calculation 6509

"I see!" Cheng Wenjie nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I've told you everything I need to say. Don't make Zheng Yuan and Lan Qing wait for a long time. You should go in quickly. I'll observe in secret later to see what they are saying to you. Wait for you to come out After that, I'll tell you what to do!" Zhuo Yifan ordered, changing the subject.

"Then don't bother Zhuo less!" Cheng Wenjie nodded in agreement, but found that Zhuo Yifan had disappeared into his car.If it wasn't for what he said before, he would have thought that he had hallucinations or saw a ghost.

With a strange feeling in his heart, Cheng Wenjie started the car again, drove the car to the gate of Zheng Yuan's villa, and then stopped.

After being informed by the servant, Cheng Wenjie was brought into the villa a while later.

Zheng Yuan and Lan Qing were sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting about something. The 60-inch LCD TV was still broadcasting current affairs news, but their minds were obviously not on the TV, but their eyes turned to the door from time to time, as if they were waiting for Cheng Wenjie's arrival.

When Cheng Wenjie entered their line of sight, Lan Qing quickly stood up from the sofa, and hurriedly greeted Cheng Wenjie: "Young Master Cheng, you are finally here!"

"Young Master Zheng and Young Master Lan are looking for me, dare I not come?" Cheng Wenjie nodded with a smile.

"I love to hear that. Lai Chengshao, come and sit on the sofa here, you are just in time, and have a drink with the two of us!" Zheng Yuan laughed loudly, and quickly greeted Cheng Wenjie to sit on the sofa beside him sat down.

"The two called me over at night, is it just for drinking?" Cheng Wenjie asked with a smile.

"Isn't that reason enough? Young Master Cheng, this Young Master Zheng asked you to drink, but to save face!" Lan Qing raised her eyebrows at this moment, and reminded solemnly.

Cheng Wenjie hurriedly nodded and replied: "That's right, it's my blessing that Young Master Zheng can think highly of my younger brother. Since it's drinking, then my younger brother will naturally accompany me to the end!"

"Well, very good. There are eight bottles of special offerings I just brought from home on this table. The three of us wiped them out tonight!" Lan Qing nodded with great satisfaction.

Looking at the eight bottles of Moutai special offer on the tea table, Cheng Wenjie couldn't help swallowing.Although I can drink some wine, three people drink eight bottles, which is a little too much.I have basically capped myself at about a catty.No matter how much you drink, you might get drunk.At that time, if you can't control your mouth and say something that shouldn't be said, then the situation will be terrible!

Only then did Cheng Wenjie understand that it is not so easy to gain the trust of Lan Qing and Zheng Yuan.Lan Qing probably came up with this ghost idea.In order to prove that it is impossible for them to hinder their plans, and to prove that they can be trusted, getting drunk is the best choice.As the saying goes, drink the truth.If a person loses his mind, he really can't guarantee whether he will slip up when he speaks.

"This... I still have to drive. I'm afraid it's not good to drink so much alcohol? How about ordering it?" Cheng Wenjie suggested with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Oh... so how can we do it? It's rare that Young Master Zheng is in a good mood today, so we come here without getting drunk. Only when we are really drunk can we see the friendship between our friends, right? Besides, Young Master Zheng Isn't there a place for you to sleep in the villa? If you're drunk, you'll fall asleep here. Why are you driving back?" Lan Qing reminded disapprovingly.

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