super unscrupulous student

Reluctant to accept 6520

After leaving the group training base, Zhuo Yifan suddenly remembered Ryan in Europe, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and called him.

Ryan seemed a little surprised when he received Zhuo Yifan's call: "Why did you call me?"

"I heard from Lao Song that you have something to go back. What's the situation now? The transaction is about to go through, are you still here?" Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly.

"Something happened at home. The damn Long family shows signs of making a comeback. It turns out that the inner ghost in the family has just been found out, and now a group of Long family members are making trouble. I am also troubled here. What if I If you can't make it through, then this matter can only be left to Song Yingjie and Xie Dongting!" Ryan explained helplessly.

"The Long family is planning to make trouble in your family again?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows when he heard this.

"They never stop. I think this kind of situation is what they are most happy to see. You called me to ask me this?" Ryan chuckled disapprovingly, then asked back.

"No. The main reason is that I will come to Europe in a few days. If you can't come back in a few days, I will go to find you then." Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"You want to come to Europe? Why?" Ryan was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in surprise.

"It's not about the Long family! I'm going to the Vatican to see the Pope. I've been targeted by the International Association of Practitioners and Supernatural Users. I think you've heard about what happened in the Philippines, right? " Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly.

"You did what happened in the Philippines? You are so courageous! I was shocked when I first heard the news. The first reaction in my mind might be that it has something to do with you. Unexpectedly, it really is That's it. You really surprised me!" Ryan smiled wryly when he heard the words.

"That's forced and helpless. Who told them to bully others too much? Isn't the reason why the Philippines is so courageous is that they have the Long family backing them? But now the Long family probably will give up on them." Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

"After you come, you can talk to me about the Philippines. If you have such a fun thing in the future, remember to call me! I haven't tried to sink a warship by myself!" Ryan exhorted very excitedly .

"Damn, you're a violent freak too. Come on, I'm better off alone. You take it easy. When I get to Europe, if you haven't finished taking care of things at home, I'll go find You, nothing else!" Zhuo Yifan laughed and cursed angrily, and finally explained.

"Okay, let's do this first. I still have to find out where the Long family guys are hiding. They have gotten out of China, but they are extremely active abroad, especially making the EU government in a state of distress. I guess Long The family is going to make everyone angry this time!" Ryan snorted angrily.

"They don't care about the attitude of those governments. The officials they secretly bought are enough for them to deal with. All right, let's talk about it after I arrive in Europe. That's it, goodbye!" Zhuo Yifan snorted disapprovingly, and said After finishing, he hung up the phone directly.

Since Ryan can't leave in Europe, the transaction with Martin Company is bound to be delayed for a few days.Either Ryan can make it back from Europe.Or Zhuo Yifan would go there in person.Originally, Zhuo Yifan planned to go to the United States after he came back from Europe. In this way, it doesn't matter whether Ryan is there or not.

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