super unscrupulous student

International Thief 6530

Customers have needs, and those stewardesses will naturally not make fun of themselves, and everyone is busy in the economy class.The business class has become the domain of those delegations.

However, most of the people in the business car looked well-dressed and looked like businessmen, but their expressions were more serious than one, giving people a feeling similar to bodyguards.There were 15 people in the group, and twelve of them sat in the back seats, all of them maintained a solemn posture, and no one would say a word when they were idle.

On the contrary, the three sitting at the front were talking softly with each other.

"Taylor, are you so willing to exchange our chip with the Long family for such a meager benefit? Before the chip is handed over, are we considering raising the price again? Three hundred million dollars is really too little. It's not enough for the three of us." A middle-aged white man sitting near the window was grumbling with dissatisfaction.

"Luther, I hope you understand that if the Long family wants to give us [-] million US dollars, then we can get it. If they don't want to give it, we will have nothing while losing the chip! That chip has now become our burden , or even a reminder. You can exchange this reminder for [-] million U.S. dollars, do you still feel that you are at a disadvantage?" The white young man sitting on the side of the aisle reminded him impatiently.

"I think what Luther said is also reasonable. After all, we spent a lot of effort to get this chip out of the US military laboratory. It is really a disadvantage to sell it to the Long family at such a cheap price." On the other side A black man who was sitting couldn't help reminding him at this moment.

"Okay, then I'll give you this chance. Don't be afraid of death, you can negotiate terms with the Long family yourself. Anyway, I won't say that." Taylor frowned, and then chuckled disapprovingly.

"Taylor, you are our leader. If you don't speak, who will listen to us?" Luther lost his temper immediately and said helplessly.

"It's good to know. So you must listen to me. If the Long family wants to trample us to death now, it is as easy as crushing an ant. Even if we just leak what we do to the US government, it will make us have no safety in the world Land. We have no way out. This time, by agreeing to the Long family’s coming to Huaxia, we are actually giving our lives to them. If you dare to ask them for money, isn’t that courting death?” Taylor said with a gloomy and cold expression. Humph.

"Are we going to become the thugs of the Long family?" The black man snorted unwillingly.

"Do you think your life is more important, or your dignity is more important? Of course, I will respect your choice. But the premise is that you will not regret it!" Taylor sneered disapprovingly after hearing the words.

The black man showed some embarrassment, and finally fell silent helplessly.Taylor's words made him unable to summon up any courage to change the status quo.Because the status quo is not something they can change.The only thing they can do is go with the flow.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with working for the Long family. Maybe we can also bid farewell to the life of fleeing all day long. And if something goes wrong, someone will help us." Taylor felt a little discouraged when he saw his two companions , Immediately changed the subject and opened his mouth to remind.

"Okay Taylor, I hope your judgment is correct." Luther was the first to nod helplessly.

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