super unscrupulous student

International Thief 6532

"Our mouths have always been strict, and you know this. Then are we going to connect with this Lanqing? Or are we going to connect with that Zheng Yuan?" Luther asked again at this time, changing the topic again.

"They are now in a cooperative relationship, and we are connecting with these two people. Of course, Zheng Yuan is just a puppet in Lan Qing's hands. We are directly responsible for the handover of Lan Qing. This matter is also the same as the Long family's previous discussion with me. We just negotiated. We only care about Lan Qing. Zheng Yuan only needs to fool around and give him some face, and the rest is not a problem!" Taylor explained with a chuckle.

"It's another poor son. He was sold, and he had to give money. I feel a little sympathetic to this Zheng Yuan!" Black Bob nodded sighingly at this time.

"If you have that kung fu to sympathize with others, you might as well think about yourself. You must know that the Zhuo family, the biggest enemy of the Long family, is in Huaxia. Moreover, the capital is also the place where the Zhuo family is most active. We must be extra careful this time. The person caught the handle or was recognized. The mask on the face must not be torn off. During this period of time, except in the stronghold, you must put on makeup before going out. I doubt that the Huaxia government will have wanted files for the three of us. You know Interpol has been looking for our whereabouts all this time!" Taylor reminded with a serious face.

"Don't worry about this. These three passports have already concealed our identities very well. The photos are exactly the same as ours now, and they can't recognize them!" Luther chuckled triumphantly.

"I hope so. In short, we must be careful." Taylor nodded slowly and reminded.

On the other hand, after Lan Qing and Zheng Yuan had breakfast in the villa, they drove directly towards the airport.Of course, they appeared to be very careful, always watching to see if they would be followed.After confirming that no one was following them, they continued on the road with confidence.

When the two arrived at the airport, it was already 09:30 in the morning.The plane that Taylor and the others were on would arrive at Beijing Airport in half an hour.

What Lan Qing and Zheng Yuan didn't know was that Zhuo Yifan was already in a corner of the airport, waiting for them to appear.

"Lan Qing, how many people are there in this French delegation?" Zheng Yuan asked Lan Qing after getting off the car.

"Fifteen in total. Three of them are the main people in charge. Their leader is Taylor, and the other two are Bob and Luther. In short, these three people are all veterans, and they are wanted by Interpol! " Lan Qing explained disapprovingly.

"An important criminal wanted by Interpol? How dare they come to China by plane? Aren't they afraid of being arrested?" Zheng Yuan was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked in surprise.

"Do you think they are so stupid? I heard that they are disguised in other ways, and they are holding fake passports. Customs security checks can't detect them at all. If they were caught so easily, they would have been caught by Interpol long ago. It's here!" Lan Qing explained with a smile.Seeing Zheng Yuan's timid appearance made him feel contemptuous.

"That's good. But I'm always a little worried. If they are exposed, wouldn't we be in trouble?" Zheng Yuan was relieved a lot, but he still reminded with some hesitation.

"Don't worry, the Long family said that even if something happens, we won't be implicated." Lan Qing explained lightly.In fact, Lan Qing had no idea how credible the Long family's guarantee was.He is just gambling now, betting that he will win.Of course, he will not tell Zheng Yuan the truth of all this.This guy might ruin his event because of fear.

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