super unscrupulous student

International Thief 6534

"Mr. Taylor, my Majesty Zheng Yuan. Nice to meet you!" Zheng Yuan frowned at this moment, obviously disgusted by Lan Qing and Taylor's excessive intimacy, and seemed to leave him in the secondary position, but also He could only hold back a trace of anger, and stretched out his right hand to Taylor.

Taylor then turned his head to look at Zheng Yuan, then stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Mr. Zheng. Nice to meet you!"

"Mr. Taylor, you are welcome! We have already arranged the hotel, and we invite Mr. Taylor to check in first. There are other things, how about we talk slowly on the way?" Zheng Yuan suggested with a smile at this time.

"Mr. Zheng's proposal is exactly what I want. Let's talk on the way!" Taylor nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Zheng Yuan and Lan Qing took Taylor and the others to the parking lot.The arranged cars have been waiting here for a long time.Taylor and his left and right hands got into the stretched Bentley that Lan Qing and Zheng Yuan were sitting in.The remaining 12 people got into several other cars.After the convoy left the airport, it drove straight towards the city center.

Seeing that the group of people had left the airport, Zhuo Yifan was about to catch up to see what happened, but found that he seemed to have another reason to stay.

"Don't hide in the dark. You know you can't hide it from me!" Zhuo Yifan smiled helplessly.His voice is not loud, but most people can't hear it.But some people are exceptions.

"I knew you would definitely find me." A graceful figure suddenly flashed out from one side, with big smart eyes blinking constantly, and said playfully.

"I guess it must be you. The breath on your body is very special. Why did you come to Huaxia again?" Zhuo Yifan raised his eyebrows when he saw the person coming, and asked curiously.

"I came with them. It's... the group of people you're staring at!" The girl glanced at the place where Taylor and his team had disappeared, and then explained.

"You came with them too? So, you know their identities very well?" Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately asked with a change of expression.

The person who came was none other than Saint Nafiel of the Holy See.Zhuo Yifan never thought that he would meet her at the airport today.What was even more unexpected was that she came here from France with Taylor and his gang!

"Three international thieves who are wanted by Interpol. I thought that if they changed their faces and identities, no one would be able to recognize them! And they are now working for the Long family. If it is not for the Long family One point, they should be in prison now!" Nafier chuckled disapprovingly.

"International thief? Wanted criminal? This really exceeded my expectations! Why did you focus on them?" Zhuo Yifan looked a little surprised and asked curiously.

"Of course it is because of the Long family. We have been watching the movement of the Long family in Europe. After finding these three people from the Long family and letting them come to China, I knew there was something tricky in it. I think these three people, for you It should be very useful. So I just stared at the three of them and followed them all the way!" Nafiel explained with a smile.

"So, you stared at them this time, and came to Huaxia not far away, because of me?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a flustered expression.

"You can say that. But this sounds a little too ambiguous, doesn't it? I wonder what the wives in your family will think when they hear it?" Nafier reminded half-jokingly.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but blushed when he heard the words, and smiled awkwardly and said, "Do you know my situation quite well?"

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