super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6553 Zhuo Yifan's plan 1

"It's something serious, but it's over. Nothing happened these two days, right? Remember to stay here and don't go out. Pay attention to your own safety!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile, and then reminded him with great concern.

"I understand. It's not only for my own safety, but also to avoid trouble for you. I'm living in the headquarters now. I won't be able to regain my freedom until the matter with you in the Philippines is resolved, right?" Song Zihan felt helpless He nodded and said.

"I know I've wronged you. But there's nothing you can do now. I hope you can understand!" Zhuo Yifan nodded apologetically.

"I understand. Don't explain. Are you going to leave now?" Song Zihan nodded and asked.

"There is another thing to deal with. The schedule is relatively full these days. I will go to Europe in four days to deal with the affairs of the Philippines. When I leave Europe, you can go out with confidence!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"Well, I see. Then you should be careful!" Song Zihan nodded and urged.

Zhuo Yifan agreed, and was sent out of the base by Song Zihan, and the two said goodbye.After Zhuo Yifan left the Intelligence Bureau directly, he returned to the urban area.

Came to the headquarters of Tianyao Group.Zhuo Yifan found that everyone was busy step by step.After looking around, he came directly to Zhuo Ran's office.

"Xiao Fan? Are you here to inspect the work again? Have you been running very hard lately?" Seeing Zhuo Yifan, Zhuo Ran immediately smiled and asked half-jokingly.

"After all, it is my own group, so I should pay more attention. Otherwise, you will really say that I am the shopkeeper and don't care about anything. How is it, is the work going well?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile and nodded.

"Everything is normal. But there is something I want to talk to you about!" Zhuo Ran remembered something at this moment, and his face suddenly became serious.

"Huh? It seems that I came at the right time!" Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard this, and then chuckled lightly.He didn't like talking about things in serious anger.

"Let's sit down and talk!" Zhuo Ran nodded, and then called Zhuo Yifan to sit down on the sofa.

"Tell me, what is it?" Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly after sitting down.

"That's right. Before we decided to cancel the seven overseas branches and directly establish an overseas marketing department. And the original seven branches are also going to be transformed into intelligence agencies. You know this!" Zhuo Ran went straight to the topic road.

"That's right. I'm very clear. Isn't this the result of our discussion at the time? Did we encounter any problems? Or is there something wrong with Zhuo Zhuo and Zhuo Zhen, the uncle and nephew?" Zhuo Yifan's heart was moved when he heard the words inquired.

"You really got it right. Zhuo Zhuo and Zhuo Zhen, uncles and nephews, are very cooperative with our arrangement on the surface. But secretly, I found that they have done a lot of tricks. Just auditing the financial accounts of the branch, There was a big loophole. In this link, only they know how much they have embezzled. Do you need to investigate carefully? I think you should come up with an idea on this!" Zhuo Ran felt helpless He nodded and explained.

"Check, of course we have to check. Tianyao's money can't just go into other people's pockets without knowing it. I won't lose a penny of what should be given to them. But if they want to take more, then I won't I will agree. So you can deal with this matter as you like, and you don't need to ask my opinion." Zhuo Yifan's expression suddenly became gloomy when he heard this, and he ordered in a low tone.

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