super unscrupulous student

6569 - Economic War 4

"If you want to ask me about the influence of Tianyao Group in China, I can only say that it is almost invincible except for state-owned giants. You should know that the fields involved by Tianyao Group have gone beyond the scope of normal business groups .In addition, our cooperation with the government and the military is already a semi-state-owned enterprise. Of course, this is just an appearance. In fact, we enjoy the treatment of a state-owned enterprise. While having government support, we can completely avoid state management It is estimated that our family is the only one in China. From the perspective of status, it should be regarded as detached." Zhuo Ran explained with a serious face.It can be seen that he is very proud of the current situation.

"Does the Long family still have a market in China?" Zhuo Yifan asked again.

"Of course there is. It is only a part of the gray economy and the real core group that the Long family has withdrawn from Huaxia. The peripheral white industries are still here. It's just that you know the attitude of the Huaxia government towards them, so the development is not as rapid as it was a few years ago. It has a certain suppressive effect. So from this point of view, the domestic industry of the Long family is definitely incomparable with ours, let alone its influence!" Zhuo Ran explained very proudly.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, how long will it take for us to completely squeeze the white industry of the Long family out of China?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

"You don't really want to start in Huaxia, do you?" Zhuo Ran was taken aback when he heard this, and asked hesitantly.

"Of course. Huaxia is our base camp. To a certain extent, it is also the base camp of the Long family. If we can firmly occupy this base camp and drive them out, then the advantage will be highlighted immediately. At least in Huaxia, the dragon family China's economy will not have any foothold at all. This is my goal. As for foreign countries, we will start with one target at a time. We will first pick up areas with advantages and impose sanctions on the economy of the Long family. I have already talked to You said that you have a plan in this regard!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a straight face.

"If this is the case, it will probably take several months from now to take action to completely bring down the Long family's domestic business. If the government can cooperate, I believe that the Long family will definitely not be able to last for three months!" Zhuo Ran analyzed calmly.

"It's easy to say. When Li Lingyun comes, let him help you. You also know the position of the Li family in the Ministry of Commerce. You cooperate to completely squeeze out the Long family's industry in China!" Zhuo Yifan immediately made a decision the final decision.

"Is it too hasty? Have you considered the reaction of the Long family?" Zhuo Ran frowned and reminded with some concern.

"That's why I'm calling you all over here! I'll make specific arrangements in a while. I'm not in a rush, I already have a specific plan. If I'm not sure, I won't let you do this , you can rest assured!" Zhuo Yifan explained confidently.

"Okay, then I'll wait to see how feasible your plan is!" Zhuo Ran nodded with bright eyes.

"Zhuoran? Why are you faster than me?" Song Yingjie walked in from the door at this moment.Seeing that Zhuo Ran had already appeared in the box, he asked in surprise.

"Compared to your snail's speed, I'm naturally much faster. Just envy and hate me." Zhuo Ran laughed loudly.

"You've got to be nervous. I know you're awesome. You can run faster than a car. What's so strange about that?" Song Yingjie curled his lips disapprovingly, and then asked curiously, "Where's Li Lingyun? How come this guy hasn't arrive?"

"People have arrived!" Zhuo Yifan pouted angrily at the door.

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