super unscrupulous student

6571 - Economic War 6

"But this approach is a bit risky. And the time is too short. After all, we have not prepared at all before. The funds needed to deal with the Long family's industry are not a small amount. Now Tianyao Group is still in the stage of rapid development. All Both places and projects will burn money. If we don’t handle it well, it may have a certain impact on ourselves. Don’t underestimate this impact, it may make Tianyao Group’s economic development go downhill in the recent period!” At this time, Zhuo Ran raised his concerns with a straight face.

"Don't forget, Tianyao Group is not only itself. It also has two powerful partners. Originally, I planned to let Rothschild and Morgan impose economic sanctions on the Long family abroad. But then I thought, if If we can focus on one point, defeat them one by one, and wipe out all the properties of the Long family in China, maybe the effect will be better!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly, and then reminded with a serious face.

"I haven't thought about this issue. I thought you would let them be responsible for overseas plans, but now you plan to take care of the domestic ones first. If this is the case, the probability of success can reach [-]%. And we Our own influence will definitely be minimized. As long as the Long family's domestic industry collapses, our funds can flow back, and then a large amount of funds can be fully invested in the economic war against the Long family abroad!" Zhuo Ran Immediately his eyes lit up and he nodded and analyzed.

"In that case, I also think this method is feasible!" Song Yingjie also nodded in agreement.

"The three of you make a decision. In short, I will cooperate with all your needs. As long as I, Li Lingyun, can do it, I will never refuse!" Li Lingyun also expressed his position at this time.

"Since you all feel that this matter can be done, it means that you have no objection to my proposal?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows at this moment.

"I agree!" Zhuo Ran was the first to express his opinion.

"I agree too! But do you want to say hello to Li Zekai?" Song Yingjie nodded and reminded.

"I have no objection." Li Lingyun also said.

"Brother Li, you two just go and tell me what I mean. I don't think he will intervene in these matters. As long as there are no problems with the group, he should support our decision!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said .

"Then let's make this decision. After you all come back from the United States, we will start to attack the Long family's enterprises in China. There is still a period of time, so I can make preparations!" Zhuo Ran concluded at this time.

"In addition to this matter, I have another proposal. I want you to help me with my advice!" Zhuo Yifan said at this moment, changing the subject.

"Is there anything else? Just tell me!" Song Yingjie frowned and asked impatiently.

"Whether it is in the name of the young master of the Song family or Li Lingyun, we will hold a business salon in the diamond world. We will invite all the powerful family businesses in the capital and even the whole of China. I will Uncle Li will also attend this salon. With his influence, he should be able to attract many people to participate. In the capital, the sons of these aristocratic families can only be entrusted to you two. You have to treat these sons and the whole country The business family screens, removes the problematic parts, and selects those who are trustworthy to participate in this salon." Zhuo Yifan explained with a serious face.

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