super unscrupulous student

See also kidnapping 6611

After Zhuo Yifan roughly explained it, Yang Yanbing immediately understood, and analyzed thoughtfully: "So, this group of people is obviously the same as the group of people who wanted to harm Mr. Xia yesterday. They know Xiaoyu is here, so you plan to kidnap her to threaten the Xia family?"

"I think so too. But whether this is true or not, I have to go back and ask those people to know." Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly and said.

"Okay, let's go back to the game first." Yang Yanbing nodded and said.

"Honey, we're going back first. Come here by yourself!" Xia Qing also greeted Zhuo Yifan, and then followed Yang Yanbing directly into the police car.

Zhuo Yifan gave a wry smile, and then found a place where no one could see, the figure disappeared in a flash, and rushed in the direction of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

With Zhuo Yifan's speed, he naturally rushed to the gate of the Public Security Bureau faster than Yang Yanbing.After waiting for about 15 minutes, the car of Yang Yanbing and others drove into the compound of the Public Security Bureau.

When Yang Yanbing and Xia Qing returned to the office, they found that Zhuo Yifan was already waiting at the door.

"Can't you keep a low profile?" Yang Yanbing asked angrily.

"I didn't show up in your office, so I kept a low profile!" Zhuo Yifan explained solemnly.

Yang Yanbing immediately rolled her eyes, then pointed to the direction of the interrogation room behind her and said, "Those people are all locked up in the temporary detention room, do you want to ask one of them?"

"Of course." Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"Qing'er, take him with you!" Yang Yanbing told Xia Qing helplessly.

"No problem!" Xia Qing made an OK gesture, and then brought Zhuo Yifan to the detention room and asked him to choose the suspect.

Zhuo Yifan just glanced at the group of people, then picked out a young man with yellow hair and asked Xia Qing to bring him out.

In contrast, this yellow-haired young man's injury is the lightest, and it should also be the lightest judging by his age.

In the interrogation room, when Zhuo Yifan and Xia Qing sat down opposite the yellow hair, the yellow hair was still lying on the chair and humming.

Zhuo Yifan walked up to the yellow hair and tapped his shoulder lightly.In just an instant, a stream of pure aura was injected into his body.The yellow-haired body immediately vibrated, and then fell silent.The eyes that were still slightly closed in pain suddenly widened, and looked at Zhuo Yifan with an expression of disbelief.

"It's strange, isn't it? Why does your body suddenly stop hurting? Of course, I must have saved you. Another reminder, I can make your pain stop, or make you feel twice as painful. Anyway, the pain on your body The injury was not caused by me, if you answer the next few questions to my satisfaction, I can immediately set you free. But if you dare to hide anything from me, I guarantee you will suffer more than before!" There was a sneer on Zhuo Yifan's face, and he threatened the yellow hair rudely.

"You, what do you want to ask? Why do I feel that you don't look like a policeman?" The yellow-haired man immediately became nervous when he heard this.This Real Madrid is obviously a guy who often gets into trouble, but he clearly feels the difference between Zhuo Yifan and the previous police.

"You're right. I'm really not a policeman. Let me show you this. I'm a military officer. The person you're going to kidnap this time is a special protected figure of our military. Now I'll take over the case. You may often When you deal with the police, you won’t be afraid of the police. If you don’t want to speak up, you’ll be in for a few years at most. But I can tell you clearly that the military will not be as merciful as the police. When I lose patience, I will send you Move it to the interrogation room of the army, and then I will let you taste how the military interrogates spies and agents. Maybe at that time, you will tell me the names of the eighteen generations of your ancestors!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, Said with a sneer.

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