super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6613 Interrogation 1

"Can you identify this A Tao for me?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take you to find him right away! He was locked up with me just now!" Huang Mao hurriedly nodded and agreed.

"Very good. Since you are so cooperative, you don't have to go to the army. I will ask the police officers here to take care of you. Correspondingly, I will give you a lighter sentence based on your meritorious service." Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you, I understand what to do!" Huang Mao nodded gratefully.

"I just like people who are willing to cooperate. Now, you can take me to find that A Tao." Zhuo Yifan nodded, then lifted Huang Mao from the stool, and let Xia Qing take him out directly into the interrogation room.

Zhuo Yifan also followed slowly from behind.

When he came to the previous detention room, the yellow-haired man carefully searched inside, and immediately found the target person among the dozen or so people. He pointed to a young man with a crew cut and a scar on his face and said: " He is A Tao!"

"Bastard. How dare you betray me. I guarantee that you and your family will die!" Hearing this, the short-haired young man immediately showed a ferocious expression. Coupled with his scarred face, he looked even more terrifying. He gritted his teeth and roared at the yellow hair.

"You still dare to talk nonsense when you get here?" Zhuo Yifan glanced at Huang Mao who was frightened by A Tao, patted Huang Mao on the shoulder, and sneered at A Tao with a contemptuous face: "I'm afraid you won't There is a chance."

"Who are you? You are with those women, you are not a policeman at all!" A Tao obviously remembered Zhuo Yifan's appearance when he was on the road, and recognized him at a glance.

"That's right, I'm not a policeman. But I'm scarier than the policeman. Because the policeman will listen to me. Even if I kill you now, the policeman will help me dispose of your body. Do you believe it?" Zhuo Yifan was very confident sneered.

"Who the hell are you?" A Tao asked suspiciously with a look of panic flashing in his eyes when he heard the words.

"You will find out soon." Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and then told Xia Qing, "Bring me this A Tao to the interrogation room."

"No problem!" Xia Qing nodded in agreement, then opened the door of the detention room, and kicked the young people who were in the way aside with a few kicks.The weight of her feet is not light. Although she has no orthodox training, Xia Qing is still a natural master.A casual slap is not something an ordinary person can bear!

"I'm not going, where are you taking me?" A Tao immediately panicked when he saw this.While struggling, he dodged into the crowd.

"Didn't I say that I want to take you to the interrogation room? It's up to you whether you go or not. Follow me obediently, otherwise, I won't be polite!" Xia Qing warned A Tao with a look of disdain road.

Before A Tao could react, Xia Qing lifted A Tao up like a chicken, dragged him out of the crowd, and threw him near the door of the detention room.This scene stunned everyone except Zhuo Yifan.Is this beautiful policewoman a woman?This strength is so great that it can actually lift a tall man of 1.8 meters.Isn't this a bit too tough?

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