super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6634 Deployment 4

"Good leader. But if we are too close to Lanqing, won't the Zhuo family suspect it?" The man agreed first, and then reminded with some hesitation.

"I didn't ask you to monitor him at close range, but to keep an eye on him. Pay attention to whether there are suspicious people around him." Qing Nu reminded a little depressed.

"The leader is afraid that he will be targeted?" The man asked hesitantly.

"That's right. From this point of view, you should already understand your mission. In addition, Lanqing still has one of our things. It is temporarily placed in his place, but it must not be exposed. Staring at him is also In order to protect the safety of that thing, do you understand?" Qing Nu urged solemnly.

"Understood the leader. Then we will stay in the capital and continue to stare at Lanqing!" The man immediately agreed.

When Zhuo Yifan heard this, he probably understood everything.These two men were sent by the Long family to kill the three Taylor guys.And Qing Nu wants them to stare at Lan Qing, or a disguised form of protection.As for that thing, it is naturally the chip.

But what surprised Zhuo Yifan was why the innate aura of these two Long family members was so strange?In short, it is different from ordinary peak masters.

Just when Zhuo Yifan couldn't figure it out, the two men suddenly stood up, turned around and walked out of the waiting hall.It appears that they are preparing to leave the airport.

Zhuo Yifan suddenly remembered a very important matter, immediately took out his mobile phone, and called Song Zihan.

"Husband? Why did you call me suddenly?" Song Zihan asked in surprise after the call was connected.

"I have something very important to tell you. The Long family has sent people to watch Lan Qing, and the key point is to pay attention to whether there are suspicious people around him. Cheng Wenjie will definitely enter their surveillance range. During this time, let Cheng Wenjie Cut off all contact with you, lest he will be discovered by the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan explained bluntly.

"How do you know?" Song Zihan asked in surprise after hearing the words.

"I happened to bump into two Long family members. They just received this mission, and I overheard them. I won't say much else. You should contact Cheng Wenjie immediately. I have other things to do, so let's do this first!" Zhuo Yifan explained and was about to hang up the phone.

"Well, go ahead. I know about this matter, and I will deal with it right away!" After Song Zihan agreed, he ended the call with Zhuo Yifan.

Putting away his mobile phone, Zhuo Yifan immediately left the airport and returned to the urban area.

Song Yingjie and the others have been sent away, and Zhuo Yifan will be busy with going abroad next.After making a phone call and meeting with Nafiel in the Diamond World, Zhuo Yifan went directly to the door of the Diamond World, waiting for her arrival.

Soon, Nafir rushed to the diamond world.Like last time, the two of them went directly to Box [-] on the third floor.

As soon as he sat down, Nafier asked curiously: "Why did you call me here suddenly? Aren't you going to Europe tomorrow? Is there anything you have to tell me now?"

"There is something very important that I want to talk to you about. And I think the Pope will be very interested in this news." Zhuo Yifan explained with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Oh? Then I'm even more curious. What exactly do you want to tell me?" Nafer was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked curiously.

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