super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6653 Trip to France 3

"Very good. I think I have already made a decision, so I don't need to think about it!" The Pope nodded in satisfaction.Zhuo Yifan, a junior, has already shown an unusual atmosphere, and the last compensation condition minimizes the possible losses to the Vatican.If he still hesitated, it would be too much to justify.If the matter gets out, I will only become the laughing stock of others.Don't let people say that he is not as good as a junior in his 20s, then this old face will be lost.

"Then your decision is..." Zhuo Yifan asked hesitantly, his eyes lit up.

The Pope didn't directly answer Zhuo Yifan's question, but turned his head and said to Doreen with a smile: "Miss Doreen, your little boyfriend is indeed very talented in negotiation. I think he has already convinced me In this case, I am willing to use one-third of the assets entrusted by the Vatican to the Morgan Consortium for economic sanctions against the Long family. I will immediately write a power of attorney to you, and after this matter, it will be I leave it to you and your boyfriend to deal with, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Doreen, Zhuo Yifan and Angel all showed excited expressions on their faces.The Pope's ability to agree to this condition will undoubtedly make them even more powerful.In the process of dealing with the Long family in the future, he will be more confident.

"Of course no problem. If the Pope can trust me, I will naturally arrange the one-third of the assets reasonably and use them where they should be used!" Doreen immediately nodded and agreed.Being able to deal with the Long family can also help his sweetheart.Of course, she had no reason to refuse this matter.

"Great, with the Pope's help, I think our chances of winning have increased by at least [-]% this time." Zhuo Yifan nodded excitedly.

"Don't be too happy too soon. Xiaofan, remember what you said just now. If I suffer a loss, you have to compensate me. Your grandfather, the Pope, I never trade at a loss!" The Pope said Shi Huanfeng turned around and reminded him in a joking tone.

"I understand, don't worry Pope. There is no way we will lose. If we win this battle, I think we will all get the greatest benefit, and we will still make some money." Zhuo Yifan nodded confidently.

"Well, that's it. Nafel, hurry up and prepare the documents, and I'll sign the authorization contract with Miss Doreen immediately!" The Pope was in a hurry, so he immediately issued an order for the decision, and immediately carried it out.

"Okay!" Nefer agreed respectfully, and then exited the living room.

When Nafer returned to the living room, he already had a contract and a pen in his hand.Under the witness of several people, the Pope and Doreen signed their names and stamped their palms on the two contracts respectively.This contract is also considered to be officially effective.One-third of the assets entrusted to the Morgan consortium under the name of the Vatican will be used in the economic war against the Long family.

Zhuo Yifan witnessed this one with his own eyes, so the excitement in his heart can be imagined.Doesn't he also have a headache about funding for the commercial salon he runs in the capital?This one-third of the assets undoubtedly gave Zhuo Yifan a shot in the arm and relieved Tianyao Group's financial pressure in the future to a large extent.

"Now that the contract has been signed, do you have any other questions?" After the Pope put down his pen, he asked Zhuo Yifan with a smile.

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