super unscrupulous student

6679 - Queen's Shock 1

"That's right. I came to you because I have something serious to talk to you about!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"Let me guess. It must be to deal with the Long family, right?" The queen pondered for a moment, then asked directly.

"You really guessed it right. It seems that I don't have any secrets in front of you!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"Why is this little girl here with you? Do you miss your mother again?" The Queen put her eyes on the angel at this time and asked with a smile.

"Your Majesty, shall I meet my mother?" the angel asked slowly, nodding.

"Of course." The queen nodded readily, and then told Tony beside her, "Tony, you send someone to take Miss Wang to see her mother directly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will arrange it right away!" Tony nodded in agreement, and then left the reception room directly with the angel.

"Now there are only the two of us left here. Can you tell me what you think?" The queen looked at Zhuo Yifan at this time and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry. In fact, I came here for your health. Why don't you find a place first and let me recuperate your body?" Zhuo Yifan shook his head seriously and suggested.

"You are going to help me recuperate my body. Is it because I didn't treat my illness thoroughly last time?" The queen asked curiously.

"You can think so. Now I have the ability to help you solve all your physical problems, and guarantee that you can live for decades without any problems. It depends on whether you believe it or not!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile explained.

"Since you are so confident, then I will definitely believe in you. Why don't you just stay here?" The Queen asked with her eyes brightened and nodded.

"I'm afraid it's not very convenient here. You'd better lie down and receive my treatment, and after my treatment, you have to take a bath to wash away the garbage and toxins from your body. I promise you will see To a completely different self!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a mysterious face.

"It's really as amazing as you said? Well then, go directly to my bedroom." After pondering for a moment, the Queen nodded and agreed.

Then, under the leadership of an internal servant, Zhuo Yifan followed the queen to her bedroom.As the Queen of England, the bedroom where she rests every day is naturally very particular and extravagant.

Lying on the big soft bed, the queen seemed very relieved of Zhuo Yifan, and drove out all the people serving her, leaving Zhuo Yifan alone in the bedroom to accompany her.

"Can we start now?" the queen asked with a smile.

"Of course. Please close your eyes and experience the changes in your body carefully. Let's start now, just stretch out your left hand and give it to me!" Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly and explained.

The queen stretched out her left hand in front of Zhuo Yifan, then slowly closed her eyes, and began to carry out Zhuo Yifan's request to the letter.

Zhuo Yifan put one of his hands on the queen's hand, then closed his eyes, and then performed the muscle-washing and marrow-cleaning exercise in "Derived Jue", and began to recuperate the queen's body.

The queen only felt a warm air flow, flowing down her wrist and arm, and directly flowing into her body.I feel warm all over my body, not to mention how comfortable it is.It almost put him to sleep.But she did not forget Zhuo Yifan's reminder, and still carefully felt the changes in her body.In just one minute, a moved expression appeared on her face, and her body trembled slightly. It can be seen that she was not at peace in her heart.

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