super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6684 Choice 1

"Xiao Fan, you're back?" Mrs. Stephen said happily when she saw Zhuo Yifan with a smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am. I have already met the Queen's grandmother, and we had a good talk!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile and nodded.

"I think in addition to the countries you have contacted, you should also need the support of our consortium?" Mrs. Stephen asked seriously at this time.

"That's right, I do need the support of a large consortium. Tianyao Group alone is definitely not enough. So I have already included the Morgan consortium and the Rothschild family in the early morning. I hope you can all Give us financial help in this regard. At the same time, I plan to suppress the white industry of the Long family, starting from Huaxia, so that their business cannot continue in China, or even disappear." Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly explained.

"What do we need to do?" Mrs. Stephen asked bluntly.

"If it is in China, I have other ways to deal with it. I hope that the Morgan consortium and the Rothschild family can also contribute. I hope that you can contribute funds to attack the key overseas enterprises of the Long family. Especially The Long family enterprises in the United States and Europe are even more important!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a serious face.

"Although this sounds crazy, I really want to help you. But the Morgan Consortium is not in charge of me at the moment. Doreen has become one of the major shareholders of the Morgan Consortium, and all the rights to dispose of funds are in her hands. As long as you can get her to agree to help you, then everything will be fine." Mrs. Stephen reminded with a smile.

"Mother, what Xiaofan meant was to tell you and get your consent. He respects you very much in his heart, so he wants to know your wishes." Doreen explained to Zhuo Yifan from the side at this time.

"That's right ma'am. I naturally know that this matter can be resolved by Doreen. But I can't be the owner of the Morgan Consortium for my own ideas. I have to tell you all this in advance. After all, the Morgan Consortium is not Doreen alone!" Zhuo Yifan also nodded seriously and explained.

"I feel very relieved that you have this idea. I fully agree to help you deal with the Long family. But I hope you can grasp the propriety and don't let the Morgan consortium fall into a passive position. My request is only this, you Can you agree?" Mrs. Stephen reminded with a serious face.

"Of course. I want to gather everyone's abundant funds to do this. If it is to shake the fundamental funds, I will not use them. Even if you are willing to pay, I will definitely not agree!" Zhuo Yi Fan nodded in agreement and explained.

"Very good. You did not disappoint me. Then, are you sure the Rothschild family will agree?" Mrs. Stephen nodded in satisfaction and asked.

"Of course. Ryan should have the same opinion as me on this point. And we are good brothers. When I came back just now, I had contacted him and hoped that he could come here tonight to discuss this matter together. Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"It seems that you have already arranged everything. I hope this time, you will not let everyone down!"

"Trust my wife. I am absolutely confident that I can defeat the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan nodded firmly and agreed.

After Zhuo Yifan chatted with Stephen and Doreen's mother and daughter for a long time, the angel returned safely to Stephen's villa under the escort of Tony.And it was time for dinner.

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