super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6687 Choice 4

"Then I will chat with Madam here with Doreen!" the angel said at this time.

"Yes, the two of you spend good time with Madam. Let's go out for a stroll first, and we'll be back soon!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with satisfaction, and then left the villa directly with Ryan.

"Why did you call me out suddenly? Is there any shady secret that you have to tell me alone?" Walking on the streets of London, Ryan asked curiously.

"There are no shady secrets. I just want to talk to you about something serious." Zhuo Yifan explained solemnly.

"Why are you so serious? What are you trying to tell me?" Ryan asked, frowning suspiciously.

"A month later, I need you to accompany me to South Africa!" Zhuo Yifan bluntly stated his plan.

"One month later? Going to South Africa? Is it because of the Long family again?" Ryan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then slowly realized, and asked hesitantly.

"That's right. Let me tell you what you think. Can you go with me?" Zhuo Yifan nodded and asked.

"If I have time, I will definitely accompany you there. But I don't know yet, what is your plan?" Ryan explained with some hesitation.

"I have already discussed with the Pope. The Crusaders will arrange elite forces to sneak into South Africa and join us with the Zhuo family in South Africa. At that time, I will personally go there to preside over the overall situation. Of course, if there are you Rothschilds It will be even better if the family joins. I am looking forward to fighting side by side with you again!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Of course, as long as you need it, I will definitely go." Ryan nodded very readily and agreed.

"However, you have to consider the consequences clearly. After all, the Rothschilds are not the frontal opponents of the Long family. You are different from the Zhuo family and the Holy See. If the Long family may retaliate, they may choose to take you!" Zhuo Yi Fan reminded with some hesitation.

"Then let them come. I'm worried that I won't be able to find them!" Ryan snorted disapprovingly when he heard the words.

"Don't tell me, the Long family may really trouble you. I'm not joking with you. So I want your help, but I'm also worried about the consequences. You have to think about it yourself. "Zhuo Yifan reminded with a serious face.

"Are you handing over a difficult problem that you can't decide to me directly?" Ryan snorted softly when he heard the words.

"Don't say it so harshly. After all, this is a major matter about the survival of you and your family. In the end, it must be you and the elders of your family who make the decision. Although you promised before, I want to say, this matter , I guess you can’t decide on your own. If your grandpa finds out about this, maybe he will have another consideration! So you have to go back, explain the situation to them, and ask their opinions and attitudes.” Zhuo Yifan Some helplessly reminded.

When Ryan heard this, he frowned and lowered his head in thought.Zhuo Yifan's words reminded him.I was a little anxious to promise before.According to Zhuo Yifan's explanation, this matter really cannot be decided by him alone.Because it is related to the future fate of the whole family.

"Thank you for your reminder. I will explain everything to my grandfather tomorrow. I think he will agree with my decision!" Ryan raised his head after being silent for a moment, and said to Zhuo Yifan with certainty.

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