super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6692 Finally going to trade 1

"Look, my cell phone will definitely ring in 5 minutes. And it's not Richard, it's probably Mike Will!" Zhuo Yifan took out the phone as soon as he sat down in the hotel suite. He picked up his mobile phone and said vowedly to the two women.

"If they don't wait for you to show up, they will definitely look for you. What's so strange about this?" Angel pouted disapprovingly.

"Now that I'm back, I plan to go to the headquarters first to check the recent accounts of the consortium. What are you going to do next?" Doreen asked the two of them at this time.

"Are you going back now? Then let the angel go with you. I can rest assured that the two of you are together. You immediately contact your people in New York to protect your safety. I will go to Lao Song and the others in a while! "Zhuo Yifan nodded and ordered.

"Then remember to call if there is anything. Does the angel want to visit me?" Doreen nodded in agreement, then turned to ask the angel.

"It's fine, anyway, I have nothing to do, I just run around with you!" Angel nodded very readily and agreed.

Then the three people who had just settled down in the hotel were divided into two groups and left the hotel directly.

After Zhuo Yifan waited for Doreen and Angel to get in the special car sent by the Morgan headquarters, he took out his mobile phone and called Xie Dongting.

"Xiaofan? Have you arrived in the United States?" Xie Dongting received Zhuo Yifan's text message before he got on the plane, so when the call came, he knew that Zhuo Yifan must be there.

"That's right, I just arrived in New York not long ago. Where are you?" Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly.

"Where are Angel and Doreen? Are you going to bring them here?" Xie Dongting asked.

"They have other things to do, I'm alone. Tell me the place, and I'll come to you right away!" Zhuo Yifan explained.

"Then come directly to the Hilton Hotel in Washington. We are all here! You should be able to find us when you arrive!" Xie Dongting then revealed the specific location.

"Okay, I'll be right over!" Zhuo Yifan agreed, and then hung up the phone.But at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

And it was Mike Will who called.As Zhuo Yifan expected, they didn't see Zhuo Yifan at the airport, so they called anxiously.

Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and then answered the call from Mike Will.

"Zhuo, have you arrived in the United States?" Mike Will's voice came from the phone soon.

"Yes, I have indeed arrived in the United States. Thanks to the two directors for personally coming to pick me up at the airport. But I still have some things to deal with. When I finish my work here, I will contact you naturally. I let you go for nothing. I'm a little embarrassed!" Zhuo Yifan said with a duplicity smile.

"Okay, Zhuo, we just came to pick you up at the airport as friends. I hope you don't think too much about it. Since you have something to do, we won't bother you now. I hope you can contact us directly when you are free. In addition, I also want to confirm, then Is the chip on your body?" McWill asked helplessly.

"Yes, I have already brought the chip. Since I have promised you, I will naturally do it. You can rest assured about this. After we meet, I will give you the chip. And the chip is in my It's absolutely safe here, and you don't need to worry about that at all!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

I'm too busy during the Spring Festival, please forgive me!

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