super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6694 Finally going to trade 3

"Then when are you going to go back?" Xie Dongting asked Zhuo Yifan while Song Yingjie was on the phone.

"Don't worry. I'll finish the matter here first. I'll take the other ten machines with me. But you have to pretend to be a normal escort. I'm going to go fishing." Zhuo Yifan reminded with a smile road.

"Are you planning to lure people from the Long family to the bait? Are you sure the people from the Long family will do it?" Xie Dongting asked hesitantly after hearing this.

"Take it as a test. In fact, I hope they will do it. First, these machines are absolutely safe. Even if they want to grab them, they will never be able to grab them. Second, I also want to know what is going on inside the US government. How many people have connections with the Long family. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can just remove the obstacles to our cooperation with the United States!" Zhuo Yifan explained.

"Are you planning to cooperate with the U.S. government to find out those who are related to the Long family within their government?" Xie Dongting's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's right. Later, I will ask Mike Will to meet with Richard. And the President of the United States has agreed to meet with me. I think we should have a very pleasant talk!" Zhuo Yifan nodded confidently and explained .

"Are you confident that you can bring the US government into our camp?" Xie Dongting hesitated.

"Don't worry. As long as the leaders of the U.S. government are not fools, they will not be willing to be the puppets of the Long family. Everyone knows what it means to let the Long family rise!" Zhuo Yifan nodded affirmatively.

"I hope so. I'm afraid that things are not as simple as you think!" Xie Dongting reminded with a nod.

"The time has been contacted. Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, the formal transaction will take place in Martin's Warehouse No. [-]." Song Yingjie hung up the phone at this time, and said to Xie Dongting and Zhuo Yifan.

"Then there's no problem. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you will take people to trade." Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"Aren't you going together?" Song Yingjie asked in surprise.

"If I go together, would the Long family dare to stand up?" Zhuo Yifan raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"Are you going to lure them out? What if something goes wrong with the machine?" Song Yingjie was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked with a surprised expression.

"Don't worry, I can get the machine tonight, and it's absolutely safe. Tomorrow's deal is just part of the fishing plan. It's best if the fish can take the bait. If they won't take the bait , then at least you have done what you should do. You are not asked to come to the United States for vacation!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Then let's do this. Now that you're here, why don't you go up and say hello to Fenghuang and the others?" Xie Dongting reminded at this moment, changing the subject.

"Okay, let's go up!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement, and then the three left the coffee shop directly and came to the guest room area on the 28th floor of the hotel.

Seeing Zhuo Yifan, Fenghuang and others were naturally very happy.In contrast, the members of Xie Dongting's team were much more silent.But this is also understandable.After all, they are not very familiar with each other.

"You are finally here, otherwise we don't know how long we will stay in the hotel!" Fenghuang complained at this moment.

"I have rushed here as quickly as possible. I can't blame me. Everything should be handled tomorrow. If there are no accidents, we can take a special plane back to China tomorrow afternoon or evening!" Zhuo Yi Fan explained helplessly.

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