"What do you want to ask?" Orance asked impatiently, frowning.

"Have you verified the information that Zhuo Yifan gave you?" Mike Will asked bluntly.He directly found the most critical point, which is also the most important reason why he thinks Hollande will treat Zhuo Yifan differently.

"Information? What information? I don't understand what you're talking about!" Aurance was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously.

"Didn't Zhuo Yifan say that he wanted to give you a big gift? As far as I know, his big gift is the latest military scientific research achievement. Didn't he give it to you?" McWire was a little surprised inquired.

"Military scientific research results? What kind of gift will he give me? I think you are a pig, and you should have guessed that Zhuo Yifan must have obtained all the secrets in the chip by returning the chip so happily. I still count on him Can you give me a big gift?" Orance was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked angrily.

"Mr. President, please calm down. Didn't he really give you that big gift? On the way we came before, he said that he prepared a big gift for you. And the amount is the same as what he used for reconciliation The document traded by the Martin company is definitely of the same grade!" McWill immediately realized the problem and quickly explained.

"What? What did you say? What you said is true?" Orance couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, grabbed McVay's arm and asked excitedly.

"Of course, how could I lie to you? He told us this in person on the road. Richard can also testify! He hopes to use this information in exchange for cooperation with us to deal with the Long family together!" Mike Will hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

When Aurance heard this, his face became ugly again.Like a frustrated rooster, he lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Mr. President, may I ask, have your talks collapsed?" McWill asked with some hesitation.

Aurangston had a headache for a while, and said with some depression: "This kid didn't tell me about the gift. He's obviously playing with me!"

When McWire heard the words, he immediately understood.Zhuo Yifan's move is really poisonous, tell him the matter first, then he will be able to slap him first, and then give him dates.Hollande probably had the cheek to go to the door again this time, and was laughed at by others!

Mike Will was amused in his heart, but he didn't dare to laugh out.After all, Orance is his big boss, and he doesn't want to be fired.

"Mr. President, with all due respect. In fact, having a good relationship with this kid is definitely more beneficial than harmful for us. What he has is exactly what we need, and it is something that cannot be exchanged for a chip. He It can be regarded as coming with sincerity. I think you should bring him back and have a good talk!" McWire reminded cautiously from the side.

Aurance was depressed for a while when he heard the words, and asked with some helplessness: "Isn't your relationship with Richard very good with him? Can the two of you go talk to him?"

When McVay heard this, he showed a helpless expression, shook his head and said: "Mr. President, I have to remind you. It is you who can make the final decision. Zhuo Yifan will not negotiate terms with the two of us. Because we talk Not as good as you!"

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