"Then do as you said just now. I won't let anyone know of the existence of this real USB drive for the time being. I will keep it safe until the ghost is found!" Aurance was very satisfied He nodded and said.

"That's right, Mr. President. You can go to work now. I really want to talk to Mike Will again." Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"Okay then, I'll go in first, and then let Mike Will come out to chat with you! Goodbye!" Aurance nodded in agreement, then turned and walked towards the White House.

It didn't take long for Mike Will to appear in Zhuo Yifan's sight.

"My dear friend, I think you must have had a great chat with Mr. President. I saw a smile on his face just now!" McWire said when he saw Zhuo Yifan.For Zhuo Yifan's ability, he really admired him, even the president could be manipulated by him, and it would be absolutely impossible for someone else to do it.

"Of course. Mr. President is actually very talkative!" Zhuo Yifan laughed a few times and nodded in agreement.

"Mr. President asked me to come out and spend time with you. I don't know what you want to talk to me?" McVill asked with a smile.

"Just talk about this transaction. Both you and Richard know about the transaction between Tianyao Group and Martin Company, and you have helped me a lot in this transaction. I have to thank you first!" Zhuo Yifan nodded seriously and said.

"Zhuo, it's too polite for you to say that. Aren't we friends? Didn't you Chinese say that friends don't need thanks?" McWire nodded with a smile.It can be seen that Zhuo Yifan's words made him very happy and useful.It is definitely a joyful thing to be recognized and thanked by Zhuo Yifan.

"Thank you is a must. At the same time, I also want to know, besides you, have you mentioned this transaction to anyone else?" Zhuo Yifan didn't intend to beat around the bush anymore, but asked directly.

"Others? Zhuo, what do you mean by saying that?" McWire was taken aback when he heard this, and then frowned and pondered.

"Of course, you may not know who Richard told. Just tell me about yourself!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and reminded.

"You suspect that someone might leak the news?" McWire quickly understood what Zhuo Yifan meant, and said suddenly.

"It's not impossible. Of course, I absolutely believe in you and Richard. We are all friends. And you have no reason to do this, right?" Zhuo Yifan nodded solemnly and explained.

"Well, there are only two people on my side who know, and they are both my deputy. I still trust them very much." McWire nodded and explained.

"Two people? This range is very small!" Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly.

"As for Richard, I don't think he would tell other people about it. Even if he did, the number of people should not be many, and those who can share this kind of secret are definitely reliable people." Mike Will nodded and analyzed.

"Then I'm relieved. How much does the Ministry of Defense know about this transaction?" Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to ask.

"The Ministry of Defense, they must know. Because this is their scope of work.

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