super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6726 There is movement 1

"Zhuo, the chip you gave me is indeed real. Thanks to you for helping us retrieve such important information!" Richard nodded gratefully.

"You're welcome, we are friends, so why bother to say thank you? It's fine if it's true. If it's false, I really can't explain it. You won't suspect that I've taken it for myself?" Zhuo Yifan laughed and said.

"Zhuo, you really know how to joke." Richard laughed dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Zhuo, then your purpose of calling us out this time is..." McWire asked bluntly.

"Let's put it this way. I called you out this time to remind you. The Long family is likely to have contact with the US government!" Zhuo Yifan explained bluntly.

"What? What do you mean by contact?" The two were stunned when they heard the words, and McWire asked in surprise.

"I'm going to tell you straight. People from the Long family will probably offer very tempting conditions for the United States to support them. Whether I can resist the temptation is what I'm most worried about now!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained road.

"Why do you say that?" McWill asked in surprise.

"I can do this, why can't they?" Zhuo Yifan asked simply and clearly.

McWeir and Richard couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this.Obviously, they also acquiesced to Zhuo Yifan's words.Zhuo Yifan's information was obtained from the Long family.What if Long uses more and better data in exchange for the support of governments?

"Then what do you hope we can do for you?" McWire asked hesitantly.

"That's right. In fact, I don't have any specific requirements. I won't embarrass you. I just hope that if someone from the Long family really tries to seduce your government, after you know the situation, you can immediately Give me a message." Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction and explained.

"Maybe the other party won't let us know!" McWire reminded, frowning.

"One of you is the director of the CIA and the other is the director of the National Security Agency. This news should not escape your ears and eyes, right? Of course, if the positions of the two of you are suddenly in jeopardy, there is only one reason. Because The people of the Long family know that you have a very good relationship with me! To put it bluntly, helping me is also helping yourselves." Zhuo Yifan reminded with a serious face.

"This...Of course. Zhuo, we are friends. No matter what the reason is, we will help you within our capacity. What's more, we don't want the United States to have anything to do with the Long family. You can rest assured As long as we know that the Long family is trying to win Mr. President, we will definitely tell you the news as soon as possible!" Hearing this, McWill and Richard looked at each other, and the former quickly expressed his opinion.

"Then I will trouble you both. I hope this issue can attract your attention." Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction and reminded.

"Don't worry, Zhuo. We know what to do!" Mike Will reassured.

"The business is over, let's talk about something lighter. You two are now the big celebrities in front of Mr. President. Is there any hope for promotion?" Zhuo Yifan changed the subject at this time and asked with a smile.

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