super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6729 There is movement 4

"You have to know that if you use the resources in your hands, they are incomparable to Qingyan. Qingyan can only protect everyone's safety, but you have to detect crises in advance and kill all threats in the cradle. This little Qingyan can I can't do it!" Zhuo Yifan reminded with a wry smile.

"Okay, that's what happened anyway, so don't explain." Xie Dongting waved his hands impatiently.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan's expression suddenly changed, and his expression became strange.

"What happened?" Seeing Zhuo Yifan's strange expression, Xie Dongting couldn't help asking.

"Didn't you still ask about the progress of that matter just now? There has been progress now!" Zhuo Yifan came back to his senses, and then explained with a chuckle.

"What's going on? The inner ghost has appeared?" Xie Dongting was immediately refreshed when he heard the words.

"Come with me first! I'll explain to you when we get to the place!" Zhuo Yifan explained casually, then took Xie Dongting directly out of the hotel suite, and rushed in a certain direction.

Soon, Xie Dongting had a certain view in front of him, and found himself in front of a tall building, with a confused look on his face.

"What is this place?" Xie Dongting asked in surprise.

"Of course it's the headquarters of Martin Company. But this is the side view, you can't see the logo of Martin Company. In fact, you should have been here when you were negotiating with Martin Company." Zhuo Yifan explained with a chuckle.

Xie Dongting was taken aback when he heard the words, but soon he noticed something strange, his expression changed slightly and he said: "Why do I feel that there seems to be spiritual fluctuations nearby? Could it be that there are some masters at their peak nearby?"

"That's right, it's not nearby, but has already sneaked into this building!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained with a straight face.

"People from the Long family? Did they come here for that fake USB drive?" Xie Dongting immediately understood, and asked with a flickering expression.

"It's probably the only possibility. I didn't expect that people from the Long family would come in and grab it." Zhuo Yifan nodded strangely.

"Could it be that there are no insiders in Martin's company? The other party just knows that we have already traded, and they plan to take that information back?" Xie Dongting asked suspiciously.

"What do you think? Then let me ask you, how did the people of the Long family know that we have already traded? And they also know clearly that the USB flash drive is in this building?" Zhuo Yifan asked back.

When Xie Dongting heard the words, he immediately understood: "You mean, there is really a mole in Martin's company. It's just that the mole is still lurking, and they just arranged for people from the Long family to snatch the things back?"

"That's right, that's it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to explain the reason why the Long family acted so quickly not long after we traded! If no one tipped off the news, then the Long family is really powerful! You must know me I have been paying attention to the members of the Long family before, but I didn't find any of them today. This means that they did not collect first-hand information on the spot, but learned about it through the insider's informant!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with certainty and explained .

"Then what should we do now? Go straight in and arrest people?" Xie Dongting raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Don't worry. This Martin's vault is not something that anyone can break into. There are barriers specially set up for practitioners and people with special abilities. Including those heavy special steel doors, only keys, passwords and fingerprints are at the same time. Input can only be opened. And each door is different. Even if they want to get that USB flash drive, they still have to work hard." Zhuo Yifan explained calmly.

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