super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6731 Finding 1

Soon, the call was connected, and Zhuo Yifan heard Orans' voice coming from the phone: "Is it Zhuo Yifan?"

"That's right, Mr. President, I am Zhuo Yifan!" Zhuo Yifan agreed lightly.

"I just heard from Mike Will that you are sure there is a peak master of the Long family in Martin's headquarters?" Aurance asked suspiciously.

"Of course. I won't joke about this kind of thing. And it's not convenient for me to take action against the Long family in the United States. In case you will be embarrassed. So I can only inform you." Zhuo Yifan explained.

"Damn it. So there is really an insider in the Martin Company?" Orens asked angrily.

"This seems to have been confirmed. But it's hard to say who it is! If Lehman didn't tell anyone about this, then he is the most suspected person." Zhuo Yifan reminded bluntly.

"I'll contact him in a while. Do you know if he's at Martin's headquarters now?" Aurance asked in a low tone.

"He's not here, so I wonder where he will go at this time. But I have to remind you, you probably won't find any evidence that Lehman is a spy." Zhuo Yifan said casually.

"Why?" Aurance was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in surprise.

"The reason is actually very simple. During the transaction today, Lehman was not the only one who knew about it. Mike Will also went with me. In addition to the guards and staff at the warehouse, they all knew that we had already been to the warehouse. From this point of view, they are also suspected. If Lehman has told other people, maybe just one or two people, then the scope has been expanded. One thing is at least certain, the Long family will not If you don’t have a disk of information, you will sell such a useful spy!" Zhuo Yifan solemnly reminded.

"But why are you so sure that the spy is Lehman? Could it really be someone else?" Aurance asked suspiciously.Obviously he still has great trust in Lehman.Turning Lehman into a spy all of a sudden was something he couldn't accept.

"Who knows? I'm just skeptical. Lehman's suspicion is of course the biggest, and everyone else is also suspicious." Zhuo Yifan reminded helplessly.

"Well, before this matter is clarified, don't rush to make a conclusion. I will let Lehman contact you immediately, and the two of you can talk about the specific situation." Aurance said helplessly.

"Mr. President, I'm just responsible for telling you the news. As for the rest, it seems that there is nothing to talk about!" Zhuo Yifan reminded with some embarrassment.

"Mr. Zhuo, I hope you can understand that it is of no benefit to us to get those materials back into the hands of the Long family. You'd better help us successfully capture those masters of the Long family." Aurance warned solemnly.

"Mr. President, do you want me to help?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

After being silent for a while, Orance explained: "That's right. Now you happen to be at the headquarters of Martin Corporation, and no one is more suitable than you. I will contact Lehman immediately and ask him to cooperate with you. Please also ask Zhuo Be sure to do this, sir!"

"So that's the case. Then once I make a move, Mr. President won't say afterwards that I acted recklessly on American soil and caused any adverse effects and consequences?" Zhuo Yifan asked a little worriedly.

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