super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6741 Zhuo 1 fan's consideration 1

"Don't say such things. At least you are a traitor now. I just want to see the result. I will talk about other things after I go back. You stand up first and stay aside quietly for me!" Zhuo Yifan said at this time Tapped again on his neck to restore his ability to move, and ordered lightly.

Hearing this, the master of the Long family blushed.He didn't dare to say anything more at the moment, and stood aside obediently.

"Mr. Lehman, you heard their explanation clearly just now. How Vicky died will be handed over to you and Mike Will to investigate in a while. Now it is basically certain that he betrayed the Martin Company. Now The suspicion on you has also been cleared, so you can breathe a sigh of relief!" Zhuo Yifan turned his head at this moment, and said to Lehman with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuo!" Lehman nodded helplessly.

"There is no need to be polite with me. We are suitable partners!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly.

The corner of Lehman's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.In front of Zhuo Yifan, he couldn't find any advantage at all, and he almost lost the right to speak.

"Then what should we do with these two guys now?" Lehman asked with a frown as he looked at the two white youths who were still lying on the ground.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Lehman. We'll go back first. As for these two guys, we'll just hand them over to McWire after he arrives. In addition, Vicki's matter will be handled by McVill." Check it out with Chad. There should be results soon. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly. I happen to have an insider with me!" Zhuo Yifan pointed at the last master of the Long Family, explained lightly.

"Are you leaving now?" Lehman frowned when he heard this.

"Does Mr. Lehman have any questions?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

"Since the Long family has already sent people to grab that information, it's hard to guarantee that they won't have other arrangements. It seems that it's not safe to put this USB drive here!" Lehman explained with some concerns.

"You can discuss this directly with Mr. President and listen to what he means. I think he will tell you what to do!" Zhuo Yifan reminded with a smile and nodded.

"Mr. Zhuo, isn't he worried that the data might be stolen?" Lehman asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, they can't get it." Zhuo Yifan patted Lehman on the shoulder confidently, and then said with a smile: "Then we will leave first. No need to send it away, we will leave directly without disturbing anyone !"

As soon as the words fell, before Lehman could say anything else, Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting, the masters of the Long family, had already disappeared into the office.Only Lehman and the two white youths lying on the ground were left at the scene.

"Damn it! You two damned ones ran off to my territory to run wild! Let's see how I deal with you later!" Lehman could only vent all his sulking anger on the two poor white men at this time. on the youth.Walking up to them, he kicked the two of them viciously, not forgetting to warn them.

At this time, Zhuo Yifan had already brought Xie Dongting and the master of the Long family back to the suite of the hotel.

"Are you back?" Seeing Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting suddenly appear in the living room, Song Yingjie who was sitting watching TV immediately stood up from the sofa.

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