super unscrupulous student

Chapter 6768 Finding 4

"The plane will arrive at the scheduled coordinates in six hours, and it will be up to you then." Xie Dongting said to Zhuo Yifan on the plane.

"No problem, leave it to me. I promise to bring everyone to the landing safely." Zhuo Yifan nodded calmly and assured.Of course, he could better understand the deeper meaning of Xie Dongting's words.After Zhuo Yifan was going to airborne, he asked Xie Dongting to lead everyone into two groups to search.And he wants to be alone to do what he wants to do.

Six hours, whether it is long or not, is not short.If it was in Huaxia, the six-hour flight should have arrived at the predetermined coordinates in the middle of the night.And because of the time difference, when Zhuo Yifan and others arrived above the coordinates, it was exactly 08:30 p.m. local time.

"Here we are, everyone get ready. After the hatch opens in a while, we will prepare to land!" Xie Dongting stood up at this time, and ordered to everyone.

All the team members immediately stood up from their seats when they heard this.At the same time, the military plane reduced its speed and altitude, and slowly opened the rear hatch.

Biting cold wind raged into the cabin.If ordinary people don't grasp or stand firmly, they might be swept out of the plane by this powerful airflow.Seeing that the cabin door had been opened, Zhuo Yifan stopped hesitating and disappeared into the cabin with Xie Dongting and other 21 people.

After a while, when Xie Dongting and the others felt that their feet were on solid ground, the surrounding scenery immediately became clear.

In front of you is the endless sea, and on both sides are coastlines stretching for tens of kilometers.Deep inland is the endless Gobi Desert, which looks a bit desolate with no grass growing.

"We have now arrived at the scheduled location, and everyone cheers me up. We will divide into two groups according to the scheduled plan, and search for suspicious targets along the coastline in east and west directions. The width of the search is [-] kilometers , within a depth of about [-] kilometers. Within a range of [-] square kilometers, we are searching. The two groups move at the same time, which is [-] square kilometers. Before dawn, we must find the target." Xie Dongting faced everyone at this time He opened his mouth and ordered.

"The nine people on my side, led by Phoenix, searched within [-] kilometers to the east. I will leave the rest to you!" Zhuo Yifan said to Xie Dongting.

"What about you?" Fenghuang frowned and asked hesitantly.

"It's been planned before, I'm going to go to other places alone to look for clues. Once there is any situation or discovery, you can contact me on the phone at any time. I will give you support as quickly as possible." Zhuo Yifan nodded seriously explained.

He acted alone, but the efficiency was higher.

"Be careful yourself." Xie Dongting nodded, and then said to everyone: "Then follow what you said just now, and everyone will start to act. I will lead the first group, and Phoenix will be in charge of the second group. Everyone move quickly Hurry up and try to find the remains of the victims before dawn!"

Then 21 people, including Xie Dongting, divided into two groups, and searched along the coastline in east and west directions.

As for Zhuo Yifan, after everyone disappeared on the coast, he disappeared in place in a flash.

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