super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7035 Believe it or not 2

"How did you conflict with Berg?" Xu Yanhong breathed a sigh of relief after the car drove away from Berg's bar street, and turned to ask Zhuo Yifan curiously.

Zhuo Yifan told the truth and briefly explained what happened before.

"Then how did you know that my sister was locked in the box, why did you go to rescue her?" Xu Yanhong was obviously a thoughtful person, and asked even more suspiciously at the moment.Of course, she didn't have any doubts about Zhuo Yifan's previous explanation.After all, there are many such things, and it is not surprising that Berg can do such a thing.

"Would you believe it if it happened by chance? In fact, we just escaped from the office, and we just wanted to find a safer place to hide for a while. After all, there were too many people downstairs, and we couldn't escape directly. But we didn't Thinking of just running into a box, I saw your sister locked in there, and there was a black man guarding it. We knocked out the black man, and then we rescued your sister!" Zhuo Yifan had a look on his face. explained calmly.

Xu Yanhong frowned, but still asked suspiciously: "Then you still dare to take my sister down the stairs? Aren't you afraid of being caught by Berg's people again?"

"No way, we won't leave. We won't be able to leave when they come back. What's more, you just came to rescue your sister. We also heard the report from Berg's men before. If we don't seize this opportunity, we may still I really can't leave!" Zhuo Yifan continued to explain.

"I don't see how smart you guys are. Sister, I think they're pretty clever, how about taking them into the Chinese Gang as younger brothers?" Xu Yanwen booed from the side at this time.

Xu Yanhong pampered Xu Yanwen's little head, and then asked Zhuo Yifan, "Then what do you all do? But you'd better leave London quickly. If you offend Berg, the consequences will be serious." Terrible. If you continue to stay here, you may be found by their people sometime!"

"Isn't Miss Xu still protecting us?" Zhuo Yifan smiled disapprovingly.

Xu Yanhong was taken aback when she heard the words, but she didn't expect Zhuo Yifan to regard her as a big tree to enjoy the shade. She shook her head dumbfoundedly and reminded: "I think you should have seen it just now. Berg and the forces behind him , is indeed very strong. To put it bluntly, I still have to think about how to keep the Chinese Gang, and I have no confidence that I can keep you!"

Seeing Xu Yanhong's helpless expression, Zhuo Yifan just nodded, and then said slowly: "In this case, we won't make it difficult for Miss Xu. But I'm curious, the one you told Berg What exactly is Wisnia? Is it a person? Or is it an organization?"

"Why are you asking this?" Xu Yanhong was taken aback when she heard the words, then stared at Zhuo Yifan warily and asked.

"Just a little curious." Zhuo Yifan explained seriously.

Zhuo Yifan didn't look like he was lying, so Xu Yanhong nodded thoughtfully and said, "If you ask such a question, it proves that you are not on the right track. You should leave London as soon as possible!"

"Is this Wisnia really that powerful?" Zhuo Yifan asked incredulously.

As if seeing Zhuo Yifan's disapproval, Xu Yanhong reminded helplessly: "This Wisnia is indeed a person. And this person is one of the three giants in London's underground world. He has hundreds of people under him. Brother, even with heavy weapons, occupying almost one-third of the terrorist forces in London. Even the other two giants are shorter in front of him!"

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