"Don't ask why. You just have to keep an eye on it. If you notice any signs of trouble, call me right away!" Xu Yanhong ordered in a deep voice, a little upset.

"Okay, I understand, big sister!" Seeing that Xu Yanhong looked angry, the young man immediately nodded in agreement, then hurried to gather his younger brothers, and rushed towards the previous bar in a hurry.

"Zhuo Yifan, should I trust you?" Seeing the figures of his subordinates leaving, Xu Yanhong's eyes showed a blank look.

Zhuo Yifan and Ryan, who had just walked out of the residential building, had already stopped a taxi.There is no other reason, because they know that Xu Yanhong's people are following behind.

"Are you wondering why I'm so interested in this matter, even at the expense of helping the Chinese Gang deal with Wisnia?" Zhuo Yifan said lightly after seeing Ryan staring at him with a scrutiny. asked with a smile.

"You should give me a reasonable explanation. It can't be just because they are Chinese, right?" Ryan nodded as a matter of course.

"You are right. In fact, being Chinese is only one of the reasons. More importantly, I am very interested in this Wisnia. Do you still remember the eight words Long Xiangtian gave me? "Zhuo Yifan smiled and nodded and explained.

"Eight words? You mean this Wisnia, is one of them?" Ryan heard the words and immediately understood what Zhuo Yifan meant, and asked with a surprised expression.

"That's right. I really planted flowers intentionally, but planted willows and willows unintentionally. I used to think that it would take a while for people from the Holy See to find clues, but I didn't expect tonight to be just a casual one." Why, I was so lucky to find one of the clues! Should I buy a lottery ticket?" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile.

"Then how are you sure that this Wisnia must be the Wisnia that Long Xiangtian gave you?" Ryan reminded with a suspicious expression.It is true that his concerns are understandable, after all, the underworld boss in London is definitely not the only one named Wisnia.

"Intuition. The clues Long Xiangtian gave me must be peripheral clues. Otherwise, he could have directly told me the Long family's stronghold in Europe. Ordinary people who can be related to the Long family are most likely The most important thing is the local underworld forces. This Wisnia's identity, if he is a peripheral dog leg of the Long family, is definitely qualified! Although there are many people named Wisnia in this world, they agree with this identity, and I believe there are not many people who can still interact with the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan explained confidently.

Hearing Zhuo Yifan's explanation, Ryan's eyes lit up immediately.At first, he was still a little suspicious, and he was not even optimistic about Zhuo Yifan's guess, but after listening to this explanation, he was [-]% convinced.Because he felt that what Zhuo Yifan said was indeed reasonable.Even he himself now believes more and more in this Wisnia, and it is very likely that he has an inseparable relationship with the Long family.

"If that's the case, you're really lucky." Ryan nodded thoughtfully.

"Actually, it's very simple to prove my idea. It can be verified by forcing Wisnia out through this Berg." Zhuo Yifan reminded very confidently.

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