super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7054 Conquering 2

"To be precise, you joined the Chinese Gang, became Xu Yanhong's subordinate, and helped her incorporate your original forces." Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly and explained.

"What's your purpose for doing this? You know that if the Long family knows that I have betrayed them, they will definitely not let me go, and even the Chinese gang may suffer!" Visnia obviously didn't believe Zhuo Yifan's words, but He pointedly reminded.

"You don't have to worry about this. Because I guarantee that the Long family will get me out of Europe within ten days. Anyway, you are dying. Since you are ready to die, why don't you bet with me? How about one? You should know that I am qualified to fight the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan reminded with a smile.

"What? Are you going to go to war with the Long family?" Wisnia widened her eyes in shock when she heard this.

"Of course. In fact, the moment you understood my identity, you should already have such a consciousness. It's just that you are not sure yet. Now I have given you the answer. How to choose is up to you!" Zhuo Yifan nodded reminded.

When Wisnia heard the words, her face became cloudy and uncertain.After bowing his head and pondering for a long time, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth seemingly determined and said, "Okay, I accept your proposal and conditions. I also feel that you are different from the Long family. I believe you are not The kind of person who crosses the river and demolishes bridges. As long as you can guarantee that after helping Xu Yanhong take over all the underground industries, you will let me stay in the Chinese gang to live my life, I will be satisfied!"

"Very good! From now on, you are mine." Zhuo Yifan nodded with satisfaction upon hearing this.He could hear that Wisnia's words were sincere.Of course, the desperate attitude before was not artificial, but it was his last effort after he saw clearly that he still had hope of life.After all, ants still steal their lives, let alone people?

"Thank you, Master Zhuo! Then what can I do for you now?" Wisnia nodded slowly and asked.

"Stand up and sit on the sofa!" Zhuo Yifan pointed to the sofa on one side and instructed Wisnia.

Probably after knowing Zhuo Yifan's attitude, Wisnia no longer had the previous fear, so after standing up, his pale face looked much better. According to Zhuo Yifan's instructions, he sat down on the sofa, But it still seemed a little cautious.Obviously he hasn't been able to quickly adapt to such a change of status.

"Before you do things for me, I must remind you of a few points. First, I have always treated my own people like my own brothers. No matter what trouble you encounter, as long as I can help you deal with it, I will definitely not stand idly by. But The premise is that you can't handle it yourself. As long as you do things well and let me see your achievements, I guarantee that your life will definitely be higher in the future than it is now." Zhuo Yifan said slowly with a serious face.

"Thank you, Young Master Zhuo!" Wisnia nodded gratefully.But he knew very well that this was just the first sweet date that Zhuo Yifan gave him after he slapped him.

"Secondly, I hate betrayal. If anyone dares to betray me or the Zhuo family, even if this person hides in the remotest corners of the world or is surrounded by the Long family, I will still make his life worse than death! Don't doubt my ability, I will do what I say, and this is my advice to you!" Zhuo Yifan continued to remind.

"I understand!" Wisnia nodded in agreement.

"Third, I hope you can get rid of some of your problems, such as what happened to Xu Yanhong's sister, I don't want it to happen again!" Zhuo Yifan continued to order.

When Wisnia heard the words, she couldn't help but blushed, and she felt a little embarrassed at the moment, but she still nodded in response.

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