super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7065 Tracking 3

"Of course. And I've found a clue, and I'll do it soon. So I have to talk to you first." Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained with a serious face.

"No problem. You can go ahead and do it boldly. I will definitely support you behind your back. But I have one condition, which is not to harm my people." The Queen nodded solemnly and reminded.

"Of course, I won't touch innocent people!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with certainty.

"If you can agree, then I'm relieved. Is there anything else?" The Queen nodded in satisfaction, and then asked.

"Just to inform you and say hello to you. Grandma Queen doesn't need to worry about other things. I hope you can stay in Buckingham Palace and watch this good show with peace of mind." Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Then I'll wait for your good news!" The Queen agreed with a smile and nodded.

"Grandma Queen, the younger generation will take their leave first. I will come to see you after the matter is settled!" Zhuo Yifan stood up and said to the Queen.

"Then I won't send you off! Goodbye!" The queen nodded and waved her hands in great satisfaction.

Then Zhuo Yifan disappeared in front of the queen in a flash.

"Hehe... This little guy can surprise me every time. It's time for the Long family to withdraw from the stage of history!" The queen looked at the sofa where Zhuo Yifan was before, with a look of longing on her face.

After Zhuo Yifan left Buckingham Palace, he immediately called Ryan to inquire about the situation on Wisnia's side.

After the call was connected, Ryan's voice came from the phone: "Is there something wrong?"

"I just went to see Grandma Queen, and the matter here has been settled. How is your side? Has Wisnia made an appointment with that person?" Zhuo Yifan explained, and then asked directly.

"It was almost dawn after I came back last night. He had already contacted that guy early this morning, and I was listening by the side. Judging from the kid's tone, it didn't seem like he was coming out recently. Wisnia made an excuse, but He rejected it!" Ryan explained with some helplessness.

"It seems that the other party is very careful? It's no wonder that such a thing happened in London just now, and the people of the Long family will definitely hide it. It would be strange if he could be caught so easily!" Zhuo Yifan was a little helpless sighed deeply.

"Then what should we do? Do we just give up like this? Or continue to consume?" Ryan asked depressedly after hearing the words.

"What phone is the other party using?" Zhuo Yifan pondered for a moment, then asked abruptly.

"It should be a satellite phone. Why are you asking this?" Ryan explained, and then asked with some doubts.

"Satellite phone? Do you know the phone number?" Zhuo Yifan's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"Of course. Wait... you don't plan to let the angel..." Ryan understood Zhuo Yifan's meaning in an instant, and couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"That's right. I think Angel should have a way to use satellites to track this guy's specific location! Then we can find their lair!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a sneer.

"I'll send you the number." Ryan agreed, and then hung up.

Zhuo Yifan put away his cell phone, and went straight back to the hotel, to the suite of the third woman.

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