super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7068 Tracking 6

"No, Mr. Sun, I have important information to report to you. Didn't you tell me to keep an eye on the European branch of Tianyao Group?" Wisnia glanced at Zhuo Yifan and quickly explained road.

"Huh? There's news so soon?" Wisnia's words obviously aroused the other party's interest, and her tone changed instantly.

"After you ordered, I immediately sent out the people under my command. Especially near the new office building of Tianyao Group, there are eyeliners I have planted. They just sent me a message, and I think they should treat you very Important!" Wisnia quickly explained.

"What news?" The other party asked in a deep tone.

"It seems that the chairman of Tianyao Group, Zhuo Yifan, appeared at the gate of Tianyao Group's European branch." Wisnia continued to explain.

"Zhuo Yifan?" Hearing this, the other party suddenly fell silent.

"Mr. Sun, is there any question?" Wisnia couldn't help but asked guiltily after seeing no response from the other party for a long time.

"How are you sure that guy is Zhuo Yifan? Your people actually know Zhuo Yifan?" Mr. Sun's tone was obviously suspicious.

"It's like this. Since we want to keep an eye on Tianyao Group, we will definitely investigate first. We searched for some information about Tianyao Group on the Internet, not to mention that Zhuo Yifan is also the chairman of Tianyao Group, and we are also concerned about it. The point." Wisnia quickly explained.

"Well, apart from knowing that Zhuo Yifan has arrived at Tianyao Group, is there any other news?" After listening to the explanation, Mr. Sun seemed to have believed it, and then asked, changing the subject.

"There are four people with him, one man and three women!" Zhuo Yifan took the mobile phone from Wisnia at this time, and said to Mr. Sun.

"Do you know the identities of those four people?" Mr. Sun continued to ask.Obviously he didn't realize that there was a new person on the other end of the phone.

Wisnia also breathed a sigh of relief, but she admired Zhuo Yifan in her heart.

"I don't know their identities. They shouldn't be from the Tianyao Group. Later, my people discovered that they appeared outside Buckingham Palace. I don't know what they were doing there!" Zhuo Yifan continued to explain, imitating Wisnia's tone road.

"Okay, I understand. You keep watching for me. This Zhuo Yifan is very dangerous. You should use the crowd to follow him, don't act alone. A single follower will definitely be discovered by him. The more people the better, and they should be spread out Come on, just pay attention to his movements, so as not to arouse his suspicion! I have explained how to follow these people before, I hope you don't mess up this time!" Mr. Sun ordered solemnly.

"Understood, Mr. Sun. But I also found out that Zhuo Yifan has booked a flight ticket for tomorrow and is going to fly to the United States." Zhuo Yifan continued.

"Is the news reliable?" Mr. Sun continued to ask.

"It's absolutely reliable. They booked the plane ticket at the hotel. A manager of that hotel has a little friendship with me. I asked about it, and I found out!" Zhuo Yifan continued to explain.

"Go to the United States? Okay, I understand. If this guy really leaves the UK, please inform me. Remember to keep an eye on me. If there is no accident, as long as this guy leaves the UK, I can go I'm looking for you. Then you can ask me anything you don't understand!" Mr. Sun pondered for a moment, then continued to order.

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