super unscrupulous student

7076 - Forced Confession 5

"When I don't want you to die, you will never die. You can rest assured about this. But in order to save some trouble, I have already imprisoned the aura in your body and sealed off the meridians of your limbs. Now you have nothing but eyeballs It's impossible to move, even twist your neck. Of course, you don't have to beg for mercy, because your mouth and tongue have also lost their function. You only have one chance, but unfortunately you didn't grasp it. Don't blame me, Zhuo Yifan, for being cruel! "Zhuo Yifan squinted his eyes, snorted coldly, then shook the shining dagger in his hand, and slowly squatted down.

"Where do I start to cut the knife? How about starting from the toes!" Zhuo Yifan looked up and down the big man who looked like fish on the chopping board, as if he was thinking about how to cut the knife.

"Zhuo Yifan, you can't be humiliated, you can kill us all." The remaining nine people roared angrily at Zhuo Yifan with angry expressions on their faces.If it wasn't for the coercion of Zhuo Yifan's body that made them unable to move, they really wanted to rush forward and fight to the death.At least you can die happily.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon. I am just inviting you to watch a good show. At the same time, I am also giving you a chance. If any of you think about talking, I can consider letting you go! But not now !" Zhuo Yifan sneered, and the dagger in his hand swept across the feet of the big man in an instant.

Together with the sole of the shoe, the whole piece of flesh on the sole of the big man's right foot has been completely cut off by Zhuo Yifan.The thickness of the entire skin will never exceed three millimeters.Where is Ling Chi?It's just a slice!

It's a pity that the big man couldn't even control the muscles of his vocal cords at all, and couldn't make any sound at all.But from his eyes that were almost popping out, everyone could see the pain that pierced their hearts.Without the support of spiritual energy, this guy is no different from an ordinary person.This kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear!

"Does it look cool? Anyway, I feel very cool, much better than chopping vegetables at home. Of course, don't worry, I will look for excitement on you soon after I deal with this guy." Zhuo Yifan twisted Turning his head, his eyes swept over the faces of the remaining nine big men one by one. Although there was a faint smile on their faces, their tone was extremely gloomy.

"Devil, you devil. You can't do this to us. Please, kill us with one knife!" One of the big men couldn't bear such suffering anymore.Especially after seeing the miserable appearance of his companion, he was almost on the verge of collapse.

"Sorry, it's impossible. If I don't get a satisfactory answer, you will all end up with him." Zhuo Yifan shook his head helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, the dagger in his hand was visible to everyone. Speed, and cut a knife in the leg of the big man.And this knife directly cut off a palm-sized piece of flesh on the big man's leg.Blood gushed out from the wound immediately, and Bai Sensen's leg bones could almost be seen vaguely.

"Enough, I said... I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Please stop torturing us!" The big man finally couldn't stand the inhuman abuse in front of him, and yelled completely broken down.

Zhuo Yifan narrowed his eyes again when he heard this.He knew very well in his heart that he didn't need to show any kindness or sympathy to these people from the Long family.These guys had too much innocent blood on their hands, even if they died [-] times, they would not be able to make up for the sins they did. These are all what they deserved.However, when dealing with such scumbags, they are ruthless, you must be more ruthless than them, and make them feel afraid of you from the bottom of their hearts.

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