super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7193 Beauty has an appointment 4

"That's right. Although the Li family and Lai Dongsheng have been rivals for many years, neither of them has taken advantage of it. If it weren't for my mother's death, the Nangong family would definitely not be what it is now. The Chen family where my mother was in back then also It can be regarded as a famous family. The background and strength of the combination of the Chen family and the Nangong family will definitely not be much worse than that of Uncle Li or Lai Dongsheng. This is why my mother pays equal attention to it, and Lai Dongsheng does not know the reason. That guy may think that my mother just got it I was hospitalized for a minor illness! But after my mother died, the Chen family and the Nangong family lost the bond of maintaining their relationship, and in some respects they also gradually drifted apart, which led to the current situation!" Nangong Aoyue continued to explain , and at this time, she couldn't see any joy or anger on her face, as if she was talking about gossip that had nothing to do with her.

"You want me to help you deal with Lai Dongsheng?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

"If possible, I would like to kill this beast with my own hands. My mother didn't have many days to live, and he personally destroyed the only days that my mother and I could be together." Nangong Aoyue said here, His tone suddenly became intense, and even his delicate body couldn't stop trembling.

"This Lai Dongsheng really did something that is unacceptable. Although it is the hatred of killing his mother, this hatred is more unforgettable than ordinary family hatred because of your mother's short lifespan! I can understand the grief in your heart. Did your parents ever think about revenge after that?" Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly, and at this moment, he didn't know how to comfort the agitated woman in front of him, so he could only change the subject. continued to ask.

"Avenge, of course we must avenge this revenge. It's a pity that the Nangong family is not as skilled as others, and they can't play against Lai Dongsheng at all. If it wasn't because Uncle Li helped us at a critical moment, maybe there is no Nangong family anymore!" Nangong Aoyue clenched her teeth, her tone revealing a strong sense of unwillingness.

"I think if Uncle Li has such ability, he will definitely help you get rid of your enemies. It's a pity that Lai Dongsheng is not an ordinary person. Even Uncle Li has to play games with him with [-] points. Maybe a little negligence You'll lose everything!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a sad face when he heard that.

"That's how things are. Zhuo Shao...Xiao Fan, I know that today's remarks are indeed a bit abrupt. I also know that Lai Dongsheng is difficult to deal with. Just after we returned to the capital last night, my father called me. He told If I want to avenge my mother, this person must be you. Because apart from you, we have no hope of revenge!" Nangong Aoyue nodded with a complicated expression, and then explained helplessly.

"Why are you so pessimistic? I think the reason why your father called you was because of Uncle Li's instruction." Zhuo Yifan couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard this.

"Huh?" Nangong Aoyue was taken aback when she heard the words, and then asked with a blank expression: "What do you mean by that?"

"Uncle Li and your father both hope that I can take action against Lai Dongsheng. Perhaps what you don't expect is that I was not prepared to let this guy go. Although I don't know much about Lai Dongsheng, he is my established target that needs to be eradicated in Hong Kong." This point has already been determined before you came to me." Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained with a straight face.

"Are you ready to deal with Lai Dongsheng?" Nangong Aoyue couldn't help being a little shocked.Zhuo Yifan's words made her feel lucky, but also a little incredible.

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