super unscrupulous student

Chapter 7238 Dilemma 3

"What about the other situation?" Nangong Aoyue asked curiously again, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes upon hearing this.

"If there is some unavoidable reason, not because of a crack in our relationship, then I will find out and solve the reason, and I will never allow my woman to leave me for reasons other than emotional factors! Even if It was her parents who objected, and I will try my best to convince them!" Zhuo Yifan explained again.

"It seems that although you are playful, you are not promiscuous. Are you so responsible for every woman?" Nangong Aoyue nodded thoughtfully. Zhuo Yifan's words surprised her, and at the same time, she also had a feeling Feeling relieved.Although this was just what Zhuo Yifan said, she chose to believe it.After all, she knew all the women who followed Zhuo Yifan.Half of the girls are either rich or expensive, absolute daughters.Even compared to myself, the eldest lady of the Nangong family, it is even worse.Since they can accept Zhuo Yifan, there must be something about this man that they can identify with, and he also has the magic power to attract them and make them unable to leave.

"Responsibility? In some respects, maybe. But I don't think I have a sense of responsibility. Or maybe I'm just atoning for my absurd behavior, to alleviate the guilt in my heart. After all, a man who is truly responsible, I'm afraid You can't fall in love with so many women at the same time, right?" Zhuo Yifan laughed at himself when he heard the words.

"It seems that you are quite self-aware!" Hearing this, Nangong Aoyue suddenly chuckled.The originally dull and awkward atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

Zhuo Yifan also smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Although I am an asshole, I still know myself very clearly."

"Can you tell me about your past and your family? If you can give me a chance to get to know you!" Nangong Aoyue changed the subject at this time and asked very curiously.

"Okay. Since you want to know, I can tell you. I can even tell you how I met Song Zixin and the others. But this is a rather long story, and I hope you won't fall asleep hearing it!" Zhuo Yifan was silent for a moment, then smiled, nodded slowly and said.

"Although I don't have much patience, I consider myself a qualified listener. At least I have the patience to listen to the stories that interest me!" Nangong Aoyue nodded in satisfaction.This is the fastest way for her to understand this man.Of course, the premise is that what Zhuo Yifan said is the truth.

Zhuo Yifan has experienced similar experiences more than once.He told some girls around him about his experience, including Liu Zilan.However, although these secrets are not accessible to ordinary people, they are not secrets.Even if Nangong Aoyue finds out, I believe it won't hurt.Because even if Nangong Aoyue really had a big mouth to tell the whole world about such a thing, few ordinary people would believe it.And those who will believe it are those who have some understanding of him at this level, so it's not a secret.

So Zhuo Yifan chose to tell the truth, and unreservedly told Nangong Aoyue everything he had experienced, including his life experience.Of course, as Zhuo Yifan said, this is a rather long story, but it did not make the other party feel drowsy, but the more he listened, the more energetic he became. Vanna's fabulous narrative is completely hooked.

Regarding the incredible things Zhuo Yifan narrated, Nangong Aoyue's first impression was that they were absurd, even to the extreme.But she has experienced some things firsthand.For example, Zhuo Yifan took her to fly in the sky, or Zhuo Yifan helped his father cure an incurable disease, and even allowed him to live younger and younger.All this confirmed the authenticity of Zhuo Yifan's words from the side, and also subverted Nangong Aoyue's perception of the world.

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