super unscrupulous student

7269 - The missing magic drinking knife 3

Zhuo Aotian and others also followed behind Mo Li, and they all entered the passage.

The passage is not deep. Walking down to a depth of about five or six meters, you can see a stone chamber less than ten square meters.Besides this stone room, there is no other space here.

In the center of the stone room stands a one-meter-high stone pillar, about half a meter thick.There is a round stone slab above it, and a stone box about two meters long is placed on it.

"Drinking Demon Knife is in this box. When I was young, I followed my father to look at this place. I have never seen this thing again. If Senior Li has any doubts, you can Open it and have a look. But I want to remind you, this thing is too strong to avoid being swallowed by it!" the ancestor of the Long family reminded with a serious face.

"Thank you for the reminder, Fellow Daoist Long. With the old man here, you naturally don't have to worry about the devil energy. The old man can protect you all!" Mo Li nodded calmly, then pointed at the stone box to the old man of the Long family. Zu asked again: "So I will open it. Fellow Daoist Long shouldn't have any objections?"

"Of course. Now that I have decided to bring the senior down, the junior will naturally not hesitate. The senior can take a closer look, and it will also help the junior to clear up the doubts. Let's see what is left behind by the ancestor?" the ancestor of the Long family asked The face nodded calmly and explained.

"That's great!" Li Li nodded in satisfaction, and then waved his big hand lightly, feeling a sudden gust of wind blowing in the room, and then the lid on the stone box was directly flipped to one side.

Immediately afterwards, a black devilish energy burst out from the stone box in an instant, and quickly enveloped the entire stone room.

Since this stone box has stored the Demon Drinking Knife for thousands of years, the demonic energy accumulated in it is naturally no small matter.But Li Li didn't seem to care, with a wave of his hand, he saw the demonic energy dissipating slowly, and then disappeared without a trace!

Then everyone raised their eyes and looked into the stone box.This look doesn't matter, but a look of shock flashed across the face of the ancestor of the Long family, and then the whole old face became extremely angry.

"What's going on? Where's the Demon Drinking Knife? Why is the Demon Drinking Knife missing?" With a roar, the ancestor of the Long family was a little confused!

"Ancestor of the Long family, you should ask yourself this question, or someone from your Long family. The magic-drinking knife of your Long family is not something we can get, right?" Zhuo Yifan saw that the ancestor of the Long family was a little crazy On the other hand, he frowned and reminded with a somewhat dissatisfied tone.

"Impossible. The descendants of the Long family would not have the guts to come in and steal the magic knife. Not to mention them, even I would not dare to touch this thing lightly. You must know that if the magic energy invades the body, the whole life will be destroyed. Cultivation will be affected. Unless that person is practicing magic!" The ancestor of the Long family shook his head in disbelief and explained.

"Fellow Daoist Long, don't you have any doubts and explanations for this? Now it seems that this magic drinking knife may really be a magic weapon. And the disappearance of the magic talisman may have something to do with it! "At this moment, Mo Li reminded the ancestor of the Long family with a straight face.

"I don't know what's going on. The Demon-Drinking Knife will definitely not go missing for no reason. It must have been stolen. Who can enter the ancestral hall of my Long Family and steal the Demon-Drinking Knife? It's really a good way!" The ancestor of the family snorted angrily.

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